Member Roster

Guest and members of the Emeritus College Founding Council at the inaugural convocation celebrating the establishment of the College Guest and some members of the Emeritus College Founding Council at the inaugural convocation, held on July 8, 2005, celebrating the establishment of the Emeritus College.

The Arizona State University Emeritus College was established in November 2, 2004 and currently has about 550 members in a wide variety of disciplines.

Pictured are members of the Founding Committee and initial Council of the Emeritus College at its inaugural convocation, July 8, 2005. Left to right, Leonard Gordon, Winifred Doane, Howard Voss, John Bell, Charles Merbs (first elected member of the Council), Takayori Atsumi, Richard Jacob, Fred Fehr. Not shown: Charles Elliott, Ronald Alvarado.

Member search

Per A. Aannestad

Regular member since: 2005, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Physics and Astronomy, Contact: Profile

Elayne R. Achilles

Regular member since: 2004, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Elementary Education, Contact: Profile

Ronald J. Adrian

Regular member since: 2022, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Engineering (Matter, Transport and Energy), Contact: Profile

John L. Aguilar

Regular member since: 2005, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Anthropology, Contact: Profile

Frank Aldrich

Regular member since: 2006, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Geography, Contact: Profile

David Altheide

Regular member since: 2018, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Social Transformation, Contact: Profile

Gary Anderson

Regular member since: 2013, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Education, Contact: Profile

James Anderson

Regular member since: 2019, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Engineering (Matter, Transport and Energy), Contact: Profile

Nicholas Appleton

Regular member since: 2007, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Educational Leadership and Policy, Contact: Profile

M. Beatriz Arias

Regular member since: 2018, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: English, Contact: Profile

Charlotte Armbruster

Regular member since: 2020, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Online Education, Public and Community Health, Contact: Profile

Hans Dieter Armbruster

Regular member since: 2022, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Mathematics and Statistics, Contact: Profile

Brad Armendt

Regular member since: 2022, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Philosophy, Contact: Profile

Charles E. Backus

Regular member since: 2005, Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Electrical Engineering, Contact: Profile

Catherine Bacon

Regular member since: , Institution: Arizona State University, Discipline: Speech and Pathology, Contact: Profile