History of the Emeritus College
Founding of the Emeritus College at ASU
A proposal to establish the Emeritus College at Arizona State University was submitted by the steering committee to Provost Milton Glick on July 6, 2004. It was approved by the university administration and the college was officially established November 2, 2004. A personal account of the founding of the Emeritus College by founding dean Richard Jacob was published in the Spring 2010 issue of Emeritus Voices.
Following are the Proposal and Appendices as submitted to the ASU administration.
Proposal for an Emeritus College at Arizona State University
Appendix A: Emeritus Associations at Selected Universities
Appendix B: In-Depth Analysis of Emeritus Interests
Appendix C: Emeritus College Survey - Summary of Responses
Appendix D: Proposed Physical Facilities
Appendix E: Hypothetical Budget
Survey of ASU Emeriti

An inaugural convocation celebrating the establishment of the College was held on July 8, 2005.
The Emeritus College Founding Council at the Inaugural Convocation. Left to right: Leonard Gordon (Sociology), Winifred Doane (Zoology), Howard Voss (Physics), John Bell (Secondary Education), Charles Merbs (Anthropology), Takayori Atsumi (Music), Richard J. Jacob (Dean, Physics), and Fred Fehr (Psychology). Not pictured: Charles Elliott (Engineering) and Ronald Alvarado (Zoology). Gordon, Voss, Bell, Atsumi, Alvarado and Fehr are deceased. All but Merbs served on the Steering Committee.