Undergraduate Research Internship

The Emeritus College, in collaboration with the ASU Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development and in conjunction with the Emeritus College Research and Creativity Grants program, provides support for the Undergraduate Research Internship Program.

RCG-URI grants are awarded to qualified undergraduate students who are within four semesters of graduation at the time of their appointment and who are in good academic standing in the university. An RCG-URI grant carries a $2,000 stipend, paid directly to the student intern. It is awarded in conjunction with an Emeritus College Research and Creativity Grant of up to $3,000 to a member of the college who assumes the responsibility of directing the student’s research project through to completion. The emeritus research mentor is responsible for submitting simultaneously both an RCG proposal and application, and an associated URI proposal and application, as well as selecting the student intern with whom to work. 

The research or creative project undertaken in this program should lead to a publication or other form of public dissemination (display, performance, etc.) for which the student intern receives explicit recognition as author, co-author or similar designation. It should entail in a nontrivial fashion original work by the student intern. 

The student intern may be identified to the emeritus mentor before submission of the RCG-URI application, but that isn’t necessary. Selection of the student intern is left up to the emeritus mentor, but the Emeritus College should be notified of the student intern’s identity as soon as possible after the award date.

Student interns and emeritus mentors are encouraged to communicate the results of their projects to the Emeritus College members at the Annual Symposium or some other venue. A final written report must be submitted to the college within two years of the award date.

Types of projects suitable for the URI program include research and other scholarly projects with potential for publication; creative and artistic projects, including graphic and plastic arts, creative writing, musical composition, dance, and theatrical works with production costs, and performance costs with a potential for public presentation; and pedagogical projects, including curriculum development and trial.

RCG-URI Policies and Application Form


Erica Low (BA 2014), Barrett Honors Student and clarinet performance major, is the first Emeritus College Undergraduate Research Intern. Her research on embouchure pressure was as much physics as it was music. She presented her research to the Annual Clarinetfest in Baton Rouge, LA and, in competition with several tenured faculty, she won First Place. Here, she displays her work at the Barrett Honors Symposium. Erica was mentored by Professor of Clarinet Josh Gardner and Professor Emeritus of Physics, Richard Jacob