Per Aannestad received graduate degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. His postdoctoral years were spent first at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and later at Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona. In 1975, Aannestad joined the then Department of Physics and Astronomy at ASU, and retired in 2004. He was the director of the Emeritus College Academy for Continued Learning from 2019–2016.
Terence Ball holds a doctorate in political science from University of California, Berkeley (1973). His scholarly specialty is political theory, from Plato to NATO. He is the author or editor of 14 books, including an academic mystery novel, “Rousseau's Ghost” (1998). He has held visiting academic appointments at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and University of California, San Diego.
David Altheide is a Regents Emeritus Professor of justice and social inquiry in the School of Social Transformation at ASU, where he taught for 37 years. His work has focused on the role of mass media and information technology in social control. His most recent book is “Terrorism and the Politics of Fear.” He received the Cooley Award three times, given to the outstanding book in symbolic interaction, from the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.
John Alcock is a Regents Emeritus Professor from the School of Life Sciences. He taught at ASU for well over 30 years, mostly teaching animal behavior, for which he wrote the bestselling textbook, and introductory biology for nonmajors and majors alike. He is enjoying retirement.
John Aguilar began his study of painting in the 1950's at the famous Chouinard Art School in Los Angeles and later in Mexico City at the Academy of San Carlos. His professional life has been as a social anthropologist, working more than two decades in the then Anthropology Department at ASU. He now shows his artistic work in various local venues.
The Emeritus College Newsletter for Spring/Summer 2020 has been published and is now available on our website. View the newsletter!
We know you may have questions about the vaccine, including how it works, who is eligible and why it is important to get. Information has been assembled for you to addresss some of the most common questions about the vaccine.
We congratulate Emeritus College member Christine Marin on being a recipient of the 2021 Humanities award for her consistent advocacy and "hands-on" community engagement in the humanities in Arizona.