(Random) Acts of Kindness
Research shows how even small acts of kindness can positively affect both those who perform those acts and those who receive them. Research also indicates that we underestimate the impact that kindness can have. In this workshop, we will discuss acts of kindness that we have witnessed and participated in. We will consider why and how we and our friends and family engage in acts of kindness and what the experience has been like. We will each write about one especially memorable act of kindness. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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100 Years of Quantum Physics (8 lecture course)
This course is designed for adults who, while not necessarily trained in the sciences, have sincere curiosity about the universe in which we live and the physical laws which govern it. It is taught at the university general studies level and has no mathematics or physics prerequisites beyond that ordinarily required for high school graduation. New concepts will be carefully introduced.
Part I of the course surveys the origins, primary concepts and principle technological advancements of quantum physics. Part II will review the advancements and technological applications of quantum physics through the latter half Twentieth Century and going into the Twenty-first.
This course will not cover recent experimental and theoretical developments, e.g., quantum computing and quantum state telekinesis, as these topics are addressed in the course, Spooky Physics, offered periodically by the instructor.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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1001 Arabian Nights or 1001 Musical Strings
10,000 years of string instruments from one-string fiddles and African harps to Mesopotamian and oriental lutes to the marvelous violin family.
This lecture is part of a series of four one–hour lectures describing the history of music instruments from traditional and folk cultures to the art cultures of the East, mid–East, Europe and the “new world.”
Each lecture is accompanied by photographs and sound bites of a series of instruments.
See the course listed as "History and Evolution of Music Instruments" for the other courses in the series. You may choose one lecture or the complete series of four one-hour lectures.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: jhaefer@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
If we’ve spent any time thinking about any of our ancestors, we probably have lots of thoughts that we wish we could share with them. In this workshop, we will talk about some of those thoughts. Each of us will also draft a letter to an ancestor, and we will discuss them.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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A Practical Introduction to General Relativity (4 lecture course)
This course is designed for adults who, while not necessarily trained in the sciences, have sincere curiosity about Einstein’s famous theory of gravity and about the universe in which we live and how, according to current scientific understanding, it came to be. It is taught at the university general studies level and has no mathematics or physics prerequisites beyond that ordinarily required for high school graduation. New concepts will be carefully introduced.
This is not a course in “practical” applications of General Relativity, although there are some, such as GPS systems, that will be discussed, but rather an approach that is practical in the sense of not requiring advanced mathematics or physics.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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A Practical Joke (Where No One Got Hurt)
Throughout life, most of us have participated in practical jokes—as instigators, observers, and/or targets. In this workshop we will discuss practical jokes that we and our friends and family have participated in. We will also write about our favorite practical jokes. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Parenting has been around as long as there have been species of animals, including humans. As individual humans, we have witnessed and experienced parenting moments all of our lives. We have seen our parents or guardians engage in parenting. We have also heard stories about how our grandparents engaged in parenting with their children, and we have seen how they parent their adult children. In person or on television, we have also seen how birds, land animals, and sea creatures parent their offspring. And for those of us with children and grandchildren, we have thousands of parenting moments. In this workshop, we will discuss and write about the parenting that we have witnessed and experienced. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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An Event in the World That Changed My Family’s Story
Events in the world can affect people many people in many ways. For example, the Irish potato famine drove many people to leave Ireland in the late 1840s. Perhaps, though, a smaller event had a major impact on our family—e.g., a fire that caused the family to quit farming. In this workshop each of us will write about some large or small event that changed the course for our family.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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An Intimate Evening at Stonehenge
An introduction is given of the setting and origins of Stonehenge, including up-to-date archaeological knowledge of its role in Neolithic society. Up close photos taken by the lecturer of the stones forming Stonehenge are also shown along with a description of their nature and origins.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Anniversary Appraisal of the Crimean Annexation
Course views the social, economic and government projects occurring in Crimea since the Russian annexation in 2014 with emphasis on the activities simultaneously taking place during the course. The program compares current daily life of the Crimean people with the realities of daily Crimean life before 2014. Course offers the details of Russian subsidizations and projects including transportation, education, and the development and goals of its Black Sea Fleet.
Course is best offered during the week of March 11-18 in order to match the official annexation date of March 18 as close as possible.
Available as an online or in-person course of two lectures of two hours each or it can be adjusted for one session of two hours. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: History, International Speaker:
Tichy, Charles
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
History, International |
Charles Tichy
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Aquaponics as a Source of Food and Nutrition for Low-Income Families
Aquaponics is the term given to the integration of two technologies: aquaculture (growing fish for human consumption) and hydroponics (cultivation of plants in a nutrient-rich solution). In this system, the waste produced by the fish in transformed, by naturally occurring bacteria, into nitrites and nitrates, which provides nutrition for the plants. Aquaponics is typically comprised of tanks and pumps, and is being used indoors and outdoors, in residential and commercial settings, to produce food year-around.
This presentation describes a simplified, home-based aquaponics system that being developed, consisting of a small pond (8’ long x 4’ wide x 2’ deep,) partitioned in two sections: one for the vegetables; the other one for the fish. The owner and user of this home-based system will then move water from one side of the pond to the other, using a bucket or a paddle.
We hope that this system will be a source of highly nutritious food, and also an effective instrument for bringing all the members of a family on a common endeavor. Present focus is low-income families in the US and Mexico.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-277-1531| macia@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Economics, Science, Social studies Speaker:
Macia, Narciso F.
Narciso (“Ciso”) Macia received a BSME and MSME degrees from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Ph.D. in EE from Arizona State University.
After several years of working in industry as a self-employed engineer, he started his teaching career at ASU Tempe, and then moved to ASU Polytechnic when it opened in 1995.
In retirement, he continues to teach one class per year, and serves as a faculty sponsor to one of the clubs at ASU Poly. In addition, he serves as a deacon in his local church.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Economics, Science, Social studies |
Narciso F. Macia
Narciso (“Ciso”) Macia received a BSME and MSME degrees from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Ph.D. in EE from Arizona State University.
After several years of working in industry as a self-employed engineer, he started his teaching career at ASU Tempe, and then moved to ASU Polytechnic when it opened in 1995.
In retirement, he continues to teach one class per year, and serves as a faculty sponsor to one of the clubs at ASU Poly. In addition, he serves as a deacon in his local church.
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Aristotle, Cicero and Adam Smith
The legacy of Greco-Roman Humanism flowed from 4th Century B.C. Athens into the 18th Century A.D. Political Economy of Adam Smith. Aristotle was a citizen of the 4th Century B.C. Athenian polis, a city-state of 400,000 people, of which 200,000 were citizens, and which was an agrarian economy. In his book THE POLITICS Aristotle defined humankind as politician animals with an inherent drive for associationism, or to found civil societies. Aristotle drew a distinction between Democracies and Republics and critiques Democracies because of the dangers of mass rule and favored a Republic. He also believed in distributive justice, a theory that the products of a society should be distributed equitably among all members of the polis. Cicero lived in the Roman Republic, an agrarian economy, and continued the ethical doctrines of the Athenian polis. Cicero drew a distinction between patricians and plebians, or he recognized the existence of class warfare. He defended the Gracchi Brothers who advocated that newly conquered lands of the Roman Republic be distributed among the poor in order to overcome poverty and social inequality. Like Aristotle, Cicero fused ethical philosophy with political economy. Adam Smith published THE WEALTH OF NATIONS in 1776. He lived at the time of the commercial revolution, the development of small-scale trade but not the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. He was one of the first to speak of laissez-faire, or free trade, but that meant free enterprise for the small entrepreneur. Careful reading of THE WEALTH OF NATIONS reveals that Smith was aware of the deprivations of poverty and he advocated free education for the poor so they could advance up the social ladder, for higher taxes on the rich and the absence of taxes on the poor in order to lower the prices of necessities, for social welfare for the poor and he was an ardent opponent to monopolies. Ethics still lived in Adam Smith’s 18th Century. Political Economy. But 19th and 20th Century Political Economy distorted Smith when it advanced the ideas of limitless acquisition and capitalist monopolies.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Economics, Ethics, History, Social studies Speaker:
Levine, Norman
Prof. Norman Levine was awarded his Ph.D. from New York University in 1965. His doctoral thesis was a study of 20th Century German historiography and he received a university Founders Day Award for “outstanding scholarship.” He taught at DePauw University from 1965 until 1970 and then transferred to the University of Maryland Baltimore County where he taught from 1970 to 1990 and served as Chair of the Department of History from 1987 to 1990. He is the recipient of numerous scholarships, including two Senior Fulbright Research Scholarships for study in the Federal Republic of Germany. He published 36 scholarly articles in academic journals and nine books. In terms of domestic academic organizations, he presented papers at the American Historical Association and the American Political Science Association. In terms of overseas invitations, he lectured at the Universities of Frankfurt and Berlin in Germany, Cambridge University, England, The University of Paris, France, University of Toronto, Canada, Beijing University, China and Ho Chi Minh University, Vietnam. He is currently at work on his tenth book.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Economics, Ethics, History, Social studies |
Norman Levine
Prof. Norman Levine was awarded his Ph.D. from New York University in 1965. His doctoral thesis was a study of 20th Century German historiography and he received a university Founders Day Award for “outstanding scholarship.” He taught at DePauw University from 1965 until 1970 and then transferred to the University of Maryland Baltimore County where he taught from 1970 to 1990 and served as Chair of the Department of History from 1987 to 1990. He is the recipient of numerous scholarships, including two Senior Fulbright Research Scholarships for study in the Federal Republic of Germany. He published 36 scholarly articles in academic journals and nine books. In terms of domestic academic organizations, he presented papers at the American Historical Association and the American Political Science Association. In terms of overseas invitations, he lectured at the Universities of Frankfurt and Berlin in Germany, Cambridge University, England, The University of Paris, France, University of Toronto, Canada, Beijing University, China and Ho Chi Minh University, Vietnam. He is currently at work on his tenth book.
With more than 20 different Indigenous cultures living in Arizona there is a vast range of different musical sounds varying from multiple vocal timbres and tensions to instrumental practices all performed within a variety of musical styles from traditional to modern, pop, opera, country, and rap. Examples of each will be heard and discussed within this one-hour lecture.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480 203-3110| r.haefer@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medical Education Today—Pros and Cons
Undoubtedly AI will more and more become integrated into medical education and clinical and research medicine. However, there are many pros and cons, as well as details to be refined. In this talk we will highlight the many controversies around AI, including educational, ethical, and legal issues.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
vanSonnenberg , Eric
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Health, Science, Wellness |
Eric vanSonnenberg
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Backroads of Iberia: Portugal and Spain 2019
In May of 2019 we spent nearly three weeks touring the back roads of Portugal and Spain. We stayed in Portuguese Pousadas and Spanish Paradores. This travelogue will be a discussion with pictures of this trip. Questions from participants are welcomed and encouraged.
Available as an online presentation anywhere or in-person in the San Diego area
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-399-7704 | gary@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Travelogue Speaker:
Kleemann, Gary
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Travelogue |
Gary Kleemann
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Brain Evolution and Becoming Human
This session considers brain development over two million years of primate evolution and how this big-brain has given humans an interesting set of skills that appears to be unique among animals. This session also reviews the most recent science that examines ancient DNA that offers interesting theories on how we evolved, like new theories in anthology will examine the role of language and tools in brain development.
- Archaic humans and recent cousins
- Hybrids – Lovers or Fighters?
- Homo-Sapiens
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Car Ratings and What They Mean (Workshop #1)
Buying a car can be both an exciting and stressful process. Balancing our budget, desires and practicality can sometime overwhelm us. In this 2-part workshop, we bring you peace of mind in helping you to sort through the safety ratings and new safety features of a car.
Car Ratings and What They Mean (Workshop #1)
In the first workshop, we explain why the federal government’s “Star Safety Rating” and Insurance Institute’s “Top Safety Picks” systems were originally developed. With this understanding, you will be better prepared to interpret these ratings in your car-buying decisions.
What attendees can expect to know at the end of both workshops:
- A new perspective on the traditional safety rating systems and how to interpret their ratings.
- A better understanding of the driver-assist technologies and how to assess their value when buying a car.
- A different way of looking at the future of car ownership.
(Note: Each workshop will be ‘stand-alone’ but are better taken together.)
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: hubele@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Science, Social studies Speaker:
Hubele, Norma
Norma Faris Hubele joined the engineering faculty at Arizona State University in 1984. In her 22 years at ASU, she taught statistics to engineering students and served in various administrative positions, including the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering from 2004 to 2006.
Norma has served as an expert witness in automotive crash statistics in over 120 legal cases across the nation. Locally, she was part of Phoenix Police Officer Jay Schecterle’s team of experts – concerning the rear positioning of the gas tank in Police Interceptor vehicles. In 2018, she launched www.TheAutoProfessor.com dedicated to car safety. The primary product is a safety rating system based on the experience of people in actual crashes on our roadways. She is currently on contract to write a book entitled Car Safety: Where the Numbers Help and Where They Don’t.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Science, Social studies |
Norma Hubele
Norma Faris Hubele joined the engineering faculty at Arizona State University in 1984. In her 22 years at ASU, she taught statistics to engineering students and served in various administrative positions, including the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering from 2004 to 2006.
Norma has served as an expert witness in automotive crash statistics in over 120 legal cases across the nation. Locally, she was part of Phoenix Police Officer Jay Schecterle’s team of experts – concerning the rear positioning of the gas tank in Police Interceptor vehicles. In 2018, she launched www.TheAutoProfessor.com dedicated to car safety. The primary product is a safety rating system based on the experience of people in actual crashes on our roadways. She is currently on contract to write a book entitled Car Safety: Where the Numbers Help and Where They Don’t.
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Each of us may have vivid or vague memories about the toys that occupied our play time as children. Some of those toys may have been purchased; some may have been lovingly crafted by family members; some have been ordinary objects that we spontaneously converted to toys—e.g., a stick or a rock. And some of us have had more expensive toys in adulthood. In this workshop, we will talk and write about some of the toys that each of us has had, reflecting on the role of toys in our lives and the lives of other family members.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Clothing Choices and Family Memories
Members of our families have made clothing choices (and some have even made clothing). Sometimes those choices reflect certain commitments to style and fashion. Sometimes those choices reflect practical realities. For example, some of us wore hand-me-down clothes as children, and some still follow the practice of wearing clothes the others have worn—clothes that we buy at thrift stores. Family members’ clothing can reflect something in their personalities and their values. Clothing may also have made an impression on you or be connected with especially vivid memories. In this workshop, we will talk and write about some clothing choices in our families.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Collecting Stories about Recipes: Making a Family Recipe Story Book
Family cooks and bakers have favorite recipes. Some of them may be recent additions to the collection; some of them may have been passed down for generations. Some of them may be written down, but some may exist only in the chef’s brain. While these recipes yield delicious food that family members enjoy, they also are surrounded by stories about family—e.g., a grandparent preparing a dish that we craved as children, a parent wearing a special apron while cooking or baking, friends and family gathered around the dining room table to enjoy the food and one another’s company. And if we are fortunate, there are photos related to these recipes—e.g., a photo of the food item itself, a photo of the family sharing the meal, a photo of our grandparents’ old wood- burning kitchen stove, or a photo of a family member preparing the dish, or a photo of a grandparent. In this workshop, we are going to share our memories about recipes. We will also design a family recipe book that includes recipes, stories, photos. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Connecting Learning Theory, Brain Biology and Intelligence
This session examines learning theories through a biological lens. We will discuss intelligences (humans and non-humans) and consider how teaching-instructional approaches improve learning outcomes for children and adults.
- Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism
- Biological requirements for learning
- Instructional approaches and learning
- Intelligence across the animal kingdom
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Conserving or Restoring Vintage Hand Tools
Have you inherited rusty, unusable hand tools that your parents or grandparents used in their workshops? Would you like to bring them back to life so that you can display and/or use them? In this session, Duane Roen will show you hand tools, some dating back to the 1800s, that he has conserved or restored. He will describe the methods that he has used to remove rust (while preserving the patina as much as possible) and to make the tools functional again. He will discuss the history and uses of some of the tools. Feel free to bring to the session a hand tool that needs conservation or restoration; Duane will offer suggestions how to make the tool whole again. Duane has been using hand tools for seven decades as a hobbyist to do carpentry, woodworking, and some mechanical work. He has been conserving and restoring hand tools for more than a decade. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Design, Education, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Design, Education, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Conserving or Restoring Vintage Hand Tools:
Have you inherited rusty, unusable hand tools that your parents or grandparents used in their workshops? Would you like to bring them back to life so that you can display and/or use them? In this session, Duane Roen will show you hand tools, some dating back to the 1800s, that he has conserved or restored. He will describe the methods that he has used to remove rust (while preserving the patina as much as possible) and to make the tools functional again. He will discuss the history and uses of some of the tools. Feel free to bring to the session a hand tool that needs conservation or restoration; Duane will offer suggestions how to make the tool whole again. Duane has been using hand tools for seven decades as a hobbyist to do carpentry, woodworking, and some mechanical work. He has been conserving and restoring hand tools for more than a decade. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Design, Education, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Cultural, Design, Education, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Crimea: Its Contentious Reality and Identity
Program discusses the characteristics of the multiple international influences and conflicts that have contributed to Crimean identity. This course begins with discussions of the cultures influencing Crimea up to Catherine II’s annexation in 1783 with emphasis on the eras of Roman and Greek dominations and on the development of Crimean Tatars. The course then outlines the events leading up to the development of modern Crimea including the events of the Crimean War (1853-1856) and the Soviet period (1921-1991). The course concludes with a discussion of the political decisions, conflicts and intrigues that brought the annexation of Crimea into the Russian Republic removing it from Ukraine on March 18, 2014.
Available as an online or in-person 3-hour lecture or four two-hour lectures as a mini-course. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: History, International Speaker:
Tichy, Charles
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
History, International |
Charles Tichy
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Criminology…Just for the Fun of It! (You solve the WHO DUN-ITs!)
OK, if you're feeling like a junior Sherlock Holmes, it’s time for some real CSI. Your professor has spent a lifetime in the world of crime (he’s been on both sides of the law!). With a PhD specializing in Advanced White-Collar Crime, your professor, Dr. Danny, has been involved with everyone from Interpol to ("Excuse me, Sir, but no such agency exists!"). He's been involved with US Postal Inspectors in some very front-page crimes. and additionally, his friendships with law enforcement migrated him into homicide cases, as well as “profiling" (crime prevention) for the Frat Boys International. But this is YOUR TIME TO SHINE, young Jedis! The professor will present the crime, and you have to 1) solve it and 2) get inside the criminal’s mind as to “why" (the criminal pathology). Then, we split the room in half, and each side is designated as either the “prosecution” or the “defense." Finally, we’ll go into the courtroom. Yikes!
NOTE: some of the content in this course may be disturbing. Delivery method: In-person Email: dckneer@asu.edu
Phone: (619) 878-4991
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, Law, Social studies Speaker:
Danny Kneer
Danny Kneer, "Dr. Danny," who holds a PhD from the University of Missouri at Columbia, is proud to be known as a "practical professor," with his two proudest achievements being 1) his award as ASU Teacher of the Year and 2) earning a jacket-patch from the US Postal Inspector’s Bomb Investigation Unit (working a very hi-profile case). From writing a national award-winning dissertation ("Computer Security in Complex Networks") to a Lifetime Recognition Award for the Innovative Usage of Technology in Investigations, it’s been an honor to be a college professor. Danny is proud that his work in advanced analytics and forensic computer crime led to the American Bar Association recognizing his research as "the practical research that we sorely need." He was the inaugural Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems and received both a British journal's Award for Excellence and a Bronze medal from an American journal.
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In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Cultural, Ethics, Law, Social studies |
Danny Kneer
Danny Kneer, "Dr. Danny," who holds a PhD from the University of Missouri at Columbia, is proud to be known as a "practical professor," with his two proudest achievements being 1) his award as ASU Teacher of the Year and 2) earning a jacket-patch from the US Postal Inspector’s Bomb Investigation Unit (working a very hi-profile case). From writing a national award-winning dissertation ("Computer Security in Complex Networks") to a Lifetime Recognition Award for the Innovative Usage of Technology in Investigations, it’s been an honor to be a college professor. Danny is proud that his work in advanced analytics and forensic computer crime led to the American Bar Association recognizing his research as "the practical research that we sorely need." He was the inaugural Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems and received both a British journal's Award for Excellence and a Bronze medal from an American journal.
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Cuba Revealed: Our Trip to Cuba in 2016
In March of 2016 we spent nearly two weeks touring Cuba. This travelogue will be a discussion with pictures of this trip. Never have we been to a place so close yet so foreign. Cuba is a step back in time while simultaneously wanting to move forward. Questions from participants are welcomed and encouraged.
Available as an online presentation anywhere or in-person in the San Diego area
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-399-7704 | gary@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, Economics, History, International, Politics, Social studies, Travelogue Speaker:
Kleemann, Gary
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, Economics, History, International, Politics, Social studies, Travelogue |
Gary Kleemann
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Curiosity is an important part of being human. It drives us to learn what we need to know in life and what we want to know. It shapes who we are as individuals. It helps us see other perspectives. It helps to build relationships with other people. It makes us more interesting. It is a powerful tool. In this workshop we will discuss our experiences with curiosity, and our discussion will probably make us more curious about the roles of curiosity in our lives. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Dark Money in Arizona: The Right to Know, Free Speech and Playing Whack-a-Mole
Dark money, this relatively new campaign-finance phenomenon of hidden contributions, is seen by some to reflect a genuine threat to democracy. Its defenders, on the other hand, argue that this approach to funding political campaigns is merely an extension of Americans’ basic right to free speech. This presentation focuses on the development of the dark money issue and its manifestation in Arizona politics, what should or could be done about it, and how it relates to some broader problems regarding campaign finance.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: David.Berman@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Politics, Social studies Speaker:
Berman, David
David R. Berman is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science and a long-time associate with the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University where he has served as a Senior Research Fellow. He has written eleven books and over 100 published papers, book chapters, or referred articles dealing with state and local government, politics, and public policy. His work includes several books and refereed journal articles on the Populist/ Progressive period in the United States, with an emphasis on Arizona and the Mountain West. He is the author of recent biography on Arizona’s first Governor, George W.P. Hunt. His work for the Morrison includes studies on direct democracy, clean elections, top-two primaries, redistricting, dark money, and the state’s political culture.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Politics, Social studies |
David Berman
David R. Berman is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science and a long-time associate with the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University where he has served as a Senior Research Fellow. He has written eleven books and over 100 published papers, book chapters, or referred articles dealing with state and local government, politics, and public policy. His work includes several books and refereed journal articles on the Populist/ Progressive period in the United States, with an emphasis on Arizona and the Mountain West. He is the author of recent biography on Arizona’s first Governor, George W.P. Hunt. His work for the Morrison includes studies on direct democracy, clean elections, top-two primaries, redistricting, dark money, and the state’s political culture.
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Demise of the Performing Arts
A string quartet required four players hundreds of years ago, and it still requires four players. The basic problem for high-quality performing arts is that technological advances in the ‘productive’ sector of the economy (e.g., auto manufacturing) have limited or even no relevance in increasing ‘productivity’ in the performing arts. Consequently, because the real costs of producing performing arts have increased substantially (as earnings opportunities in the productive sector mean performing artists earn more), high-quality performing arts are difficult to maintain without pricing out most persons or requiring substantial donations or government support. For a few of the highest-quality endeavors, however, technology can help.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: pburgess123@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, Economics, Music, Science, Social studies Speaker:
Burgess, Paul
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, Economics, Music, Science, Social studies |
Paul Burgess
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
Driver Assist Technologies (Workshop #2)
Buying a car can be both an exciting and stressful process. Balancing our budget, desires and practicality can sometime overwhelm us. In this 2-part workshop, we bring you peace of mind in helping you to sort through the safety ratings and new safety features of a car.
Driver Assist Technologies (Workshop #2)
In the second workshop, we describe the capability of the current driver-assist technologies, the nomenclature and their estimated value in the car-buying decision. The regulation and limitation of these systems will give you insights. The workshop will end with a view of the future of cars and ownership.
What attendees can expect to know at the end of the workshops:
- A new perspective on the traditional safety rating systems and how to interpret their ratings.
- A better understanding of the driver-assist technologies and how to assess their value when buying a car.
- A different way of looking at the future of car ownership.
(Note: Each workshop will be ‘stand-alone’ but are better taken together.)
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: hubele@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Economics, Science, Social studies Speaker:
Hubele, Norma
Norma Faris Hubele joined the engineering faculty at Arizona State University in 1984. In her 22 years at ASU, she taught statistics to engineering students and served in various administrative positions, including the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering from 2004 to 2006.
Norma has served as an expert witness in automotive crash statistics in over 120 legal cases across the nation. Locally, she was part of Phoenix Police Officer Jay Schecterle’s team of experts – concerning the rear positioning of the gas tank in Police Interceptor vehicles. In 2018, she launched www.TheAutoProfessor.com dedicated to car safety. The primary product is a safety rating system based on the experience of people in actual crashes on our roadways. She is currently on contract to write a book entitled Car Safety: Where the Numbers Help and Where They Don’t.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Economics, Science, Social studies |
Norma Hubele
Norma Faris Hubele joined the engineering faculty at Arizona State University in 1984. In her 22 years at ASU, she taught statistics to engineering students and served in various administrative positions, including the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering from 2004 to 2006.
Norma has served as an expert witness in automotive crash statistics in over 120 legal cases across the nation. Locally, she was part of Phoenix Police Officer Jay Schecterle’s team of experts – concerning the rear positioning of the gas tank in Police Interceptor vehicles. In 2018, she launched www.TheAutoProfessor.com dedicated to car safety. The primary product is a safety rating system based on the experience of people in actual crashes on our roadways. She is currently on contract to write a book entitled Car Safety: Where the Numbers Help and Where They Don’t.
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Early Catholic Church’s Long Toll Road to Salvation
The Catholic Church rose to fabulous wealth and power from its humble roots in the first century. It did this by creating a long toll road to salvation; missionaries and saints played key roles in the process. Missionaries converted millions to the Catholic faith. Departed saints were treated as ‘living’ persons, and they ‘performed’ many jobs for the church (for which they expected handsome compensation). Purgatory and death were the final stops on the toll road, and they provided huge wealth for the church.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: pburgess123@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Economics, History, Politics, Social studies Speaker:
Burgess, Paul
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Economics, History, Politics, Social studies |
Paul Burgess
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
Composers, painters, poets, and novelists all use gardens as settings--and the garden is always more than a garden. This talk (or series) explores the ways Western art uses the garden as a metaphor: it can give us insight into a character; a garden can be a feast for the senses that promotes love; it can serve as a refuge from the everyday world; or it can represent the world itself as a place of order and design. Using familiar artworks, works of literature, and music examples, this talk invites us to think more deeply about the garden as a setting and what it might mean. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: david.schildkret@asu.edu | Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Schildkret, David
David Schildkret served on the ASU faculty from 2002 to 2023. He holds the Doctor of Music and the Master of Music degrees in Choral conducting from Indiana University School of Music, where his primary teachers were Robert Porco and George Buelow. He earned the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree from Rutgers University, where he studied with David Drinkwater and F. Austin Walter. While at ASU, Schildkret conducted the Choral Union and the Chamber Singers. In 2011, he founded the Barrett Choir, which conducted until his retirement in 2023. At various times, he also conducted the Concert Choir and Canticum Bassum. His teaching at ASU included conducting, score study, and a General Studies course on music and humor. At various times he taught seminars on composers, and before coming to ASU, he taught music theory, music history, and many classes in music appreciation Schildkret is the director of music ministries at Dayspring United Methodist Church in Tempe and also directs Euphony Ensemble (a group of ASU music graduates), which he founded in 2017, and the Arizona Cantilena Chorale. He has been the music director of the Mount Desert Summer Chorale in Bar Harbor, Maine, since 1999. From 2003 to 2019, he was director of music at Scottsdale United Methodist Church.
As a member of the Fulbright Senior Fellows roster, he has traveled twice to Venezuela, where he has conducted the State Orchestra of Merida, numerous choirs, and was stage director and conductor for a bilingual production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, the first time this musical was presented in Venezuela. He has also taught workshops in South Korea. Prior to coming to Arizona State University, Schildkret taught at the University of Rochester, Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he was dean of the School of Music. He returned to Salem as a visiting scholar during his sabbatical year in 2009–10. His articles have appeared in the newsletters of the Mozart Society of America and the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, in the Choral Journal, Bach, Eighteenth-Century Life, and the NATS Bulletin. He has published reviews in the American Choral Review and has written liner notes for numerous recordings.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
David Schildkret
David Schildkret served on the ASU faculty from 2002 to 2023. He holds the Doctor of Music and the Master of Music degrees in Choral conducting from Indiana University School of Music, where his primary teachers were Robert Porco and George Buelow. He earned the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree from Rutgers University, where he studied with David Drinkwater and F. Austin Walter. While at ASU, Schildkret conducted the Choral Union and the Chamber Singers. In 2011, he founded the Barrett Choir, which conducted until his retirement in 2023. At various times, he also conducted the Concert Choir and Canticum Bassum. His teaching at ASU included conducting, score study, and a General Studies course on music and humor. At various times he taught seminars on composers, and before coming to ASU, he taught music theory, music history, and many classes in music appreciation Schildkret is the director of music ministries at Dayspring United Methodist Church in Tempe and also directs Euphony Ensemble (a group of ASU music graduates), which he founded in 2017, and the Arizona Cantilena Chorale. He has been the music director of the Mount Desert Summer Chorale in Bar Harbor, Maine, since 1999. From 2003 to 2019, he was director of music at Scottsdale United Methodist Church.
As a member of the Fulbright Senior Fellows roster, he has traveled twice to Venezuela, where he has conducted the State Orchestra of Merida, numerous choirs, and was stage director and conductor for a bilingual production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, the first time this musical was presented in Venezuela. He has also taught workshops in South Korea. Prior to coming to Arizona State University, Schildkret taught at the University of Rochester, Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he was dean of the School of Music. He returned to Salem as a visiting scholar during his sabbatical year in 2009–10. His articles have appeared in the newsletters of the Mozart Society of America and the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, in the Choral Journal, Bach, Eighteenth-Century Life, and the NATS Bulletin. He has published reviews in the American Choral Review and has written liner notes for numerous recordings.
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Education, Employment and Earnings: Past, Present, Future
Education, employment, and earnings are critically important for individuals, families, and the nation. They directly relate to productivity and the ability of the country to meet its obligations for Social Security and other government (and private) programs. We look at the patterns for these factors for the past, present, and future.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: pburgess123@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Economics, Politics, Social studies Speaker:
Burgess, Paul
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Economics, Politics, Social studies |
Paul Burgess
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
Believe it or not, there are about a half dozen of Einstein’s ideas that do, or could, affect your everyday life. Do you have a camera with a light meter or use GPS navigation in your car? Could one aspect of Relativity theory possibly affect our evolutionary rate? These and other effects will be discussed in this wide-ranging talk. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ajs50@cornell.edu
Emeritus College Office
Phone: (480) 965-0002
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Science Speaker:
Sadoff, Ahren
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Science |
Ahren Sadoff
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Einstein’s Legacy (4 lecture course or single lecture)
The life and work of Albert Einstein, including the social impact of his discoveries and commentary. It is taught at the university general studies level and has no mathematics or physics prerequisites beyond that ordinarily required for high school graduation. New concepts will be carefully introduced.
Available as an in-person lecture or 4 lecture mini-course
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Science, Social studies Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Cultural, History, Science, Social studies |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Empathy and Compassion in Our Lives
Life is a little easier when we experience empathy and compassion—both when we give it and when we receive it. In this workshop we will discuss some ways that people develop empathy and compassion, especially through intent listening. We will also share stories about our own experiences with empathy and compassion. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Genesis of an Idea all the way to "Shark Tank!"
Ever had a “great idea” for a new product, process, or app, but you didn’t know where to turn? So you asked your sibling, and she/he said, “it stinks!” Then your friends said, “best idea on the planet." Or worse yet, let’s assume that you aren’t in love with your “job," and you see a new idea/invention as an opportunity to free yourself from the grind and establish a better life for your children. But you don’t know HOW to process it. In this series of classes, these are but a few of the things we'll learn: 1) How to nurture your idea into a more crystallized product, process, or app. 2) Search the world for an existing version of your idea. 3) Perform a patent search. 4) Consider a prototype or using Chat GPT, go into the market and find your first customer.
We’ll use a proven rubric to provide a solid foundation for discovery and development. This is REAL value creation and venture development. Your Professor, Dr. Danny, has spent years working with venture capitalists, buying/selling/forming/flipping young businesses. And he has coached teams for Shark Tank. You'll get the"secret sauce," a listing of magic words, and concepts, that will GREEN LIGHT funding for a new business idea. Delivery method: In-person Email: dckneer@asu.edu
Phone: (619) 878-4991
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Business, Communications, Economics, Policy Speaker:
Danny Kneer
Danny Kneer, "Dr. Danny," who holds a PhD from the University of Missouri at Columbia, is proud to be known as a "practical professor," with his two proudest achievements being 1) his award as ASU Teacher of the Year and 2) earning a jacket-patch from the US Postal Inspector’s Bomb Investigation Unit (working a very hi-profile case). From writing a national award-winning dissertation ("Computer Security in Complex Networks") to a Lifetime Recognition Award for the Innovative Usage of Technology in Investigations, it’s been an honor to be a college professor. Danny is proud that his work in advanced analytics and forensic computer crime led to the American Bar Association recognizing his research as "the practical research that we sorely need." He was the inaugural Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems and received both a British journal's Award for Excellence and a Bronze medal from an American journal.
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In-person |
Course |
Business, Communications, Economics, Policy |
Danny Kneer
Danny Kneer, "Dr. Danny," who holds a PhD from the University of Missouri at Columbia, is proud to be known as a "practical professor," with his two proudest achievements being 1) his award as ASU Teacher of the Year and 2) earning a jacket-patch from the US Postal Inspector’s Bomb Investigation Unit (working a very hi-profile case). From writing a national award-winning dissertation ("Computer Security in Complex Networks") to a Lifetime Recognition Award for the Innovative Usage of Technology in Investigations, it’s been an honor to be a college professor. Danny is proud that his work in advanced analytics and forensic computer crime led to the American Bar Association recognizing his research as "the practical research that we sorely need." He was the inaugural Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems and received both a British journal's Award for Excellence and a Bronze medal from an American journal.
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Ethics in a New Key: How Beauty and Goodness Can Help Our World
The importance of ethics in today’s world cannot be under emphasized. We live in a time when doing “good” is the most important kind of act we can do. But, how do we know “the good” in order to do good? To answer this I begin with the Greek’s understanding that goodness (ethics) and beauty (aesthetics) are connected. While the Greeks did not develop their insight, contemporary ethicists Mark Johnson and John Paul Lederach have developed a clearer understanding of that relationship. The ideas of these two thinkers are used to explore perhaps the most significant ethics philosopher of the 20th and 21st centuries: Emmanuel Levinas. His work describes the experience of living ethically, rather than telling us how to live ethically. In so doing he provides a way into “doing the good” that transcends culture and politics.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, Social studies Speaker:
Blumenfeld-Jones, Donald
Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones focuses on the intersection of aesthetics, ethics, and education, both in the area of education theory and in putting his ideas into practice. He has numerous articles, book chapters, and three books devoted to both theory and practice: Curriculum and the Aesthetic Life: Hermeneutics, Body, Emotion, Ethics, and Education (2012, Peter Lang), Ethics, Aesthetics and Education: a Levinasian Approach (2016, Palgrave-Pivot) and Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Creativity, Aesthetics and Ethics in Preparing Teachers for Our Future (2017, Information Age Publishing). He is presently working on a new book (2022, Springer): The Dialectics of Imagination and Freedom - A Curriculum Mosaic of Human Possibilities. He founded and directed ARTs (Arts-Based Reflective Teaching), the basis for the teacher education book, an elementary education teacher preparation program dedicated to aestheticizing the curriculum and making ethics central to both curriculum planning and teaching. He also directed and was part of the founding team of a teacher preparation program titled Teaching for a Diverse Future, focused on teacher preparation through an anthropological/multi-lingual/social justice/aesthetic set of lenses.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Ethics, Social studies |
Donald Blumenfeld-Jones
Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones focuses on the intersection of aesthetics, ethics, and education, both in the area of education theory and in putting his ideas into practice. He has numerous articles, book chapters, and three books devoted to both theory and practice: Curriculum and the Aesthetic Life: Hermeneutics, Body, Emotion, Ethics, and Education (2012, Peter Lang), Ethics, Aesthetics and Education: a Levinasian Approach (2016, Palgrave-Pivot) and Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Creativity, Aesthetics and Ethics in Preparing Teachers for Our Future (2017, Information Age Publishing). He is presently working on a new book (2022, Springer): The Dialectics of Imagination and Freedom - A Curriculum Mosaic of Human Possibilities. He founded and directed ARTs (Arts-Based Reflective Teaching), the basis for the teacher education book, an elementary education teacher preparation program dedicated to aestheticizing the curriculum and making ethics central to both curriculum planning and teaching. He also directed and was part of the founding team of a teacher preparation program titled Teaching for a Diverse Future, focused on teacher preparation through an anthropological/multi-lingual/social justice/aesthetic set of lenses.
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Exploring Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) in 2018
In March of 2018 we spent nearly three weeks touring Argentina and Chile. This travelogue will be a discussion with pictures of this trip. What we discovered was much different than we expected. The scenery was spectacular. Questions from participants are welcomed and encouraged.
Available as an online presentation anywhere or in-person in the San Diego area
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-399-7704 | gary@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, International, Travelogue Speaker:
Kleemann, Gary
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, International, Travelogue |
Gary Kleemann
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Exploring the Cosmos --- we know so much yet so little
We have learned an amazing amount about the Universe we live in. We know how old it is and can trace its history from the present day until a time a minute fraction of a second after its creation. What happened before that, we do not know but we can certainly speculate. We know that the earth, other planets and all stars are made of normal matter in the form of atoms which comprises only 5% of the mass of the universe. The nature of the other 95% is unknown to us even though we have names for it such as Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Interestingly, in order to be able to understand our vast Cosmos and its evolution, we must understand the micro world of elementary particles and the quantum.
Available as an in-person or online two lecture mini-course. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: ajs50@cornell.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Sadoff, Ahren
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Science |
Ahren Sadoff
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Exploring Virtual World Treasures
Systematic study of 3-D immersive environments and societies embedded in virtual worlds mainly on Second Life, that enable participants to simulate life practices, including such proficiencies as navigating [walk, fly], using different camera controls/views/landmark, experiencing multi literacies [chat, speak, gesture], finding destinations/mapping, storing/retrieving content/landmark links in one’s inventory, fashioning identity [change avatar appearance and dress], searching art installation sites, building sculptures, collaborating, interviewing avatars, and researching cultural differences, and medical implications. Education now includes education from “womb to tomb,” and involves transdisciplinary education and multi-literacies or new ways of communicating. We are Transformers of Interdisciplinary Technologies, Integrative Problem-solving, Inclusive and Intergenerational Learning, and Multicultural Futures. Design/Light a Candle and Help Create Future Memorials, Educational Sites, and Medical Wonders.
Participants must have an updated computer that can download Second Life (software). Available as an online participatory workshop.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Contact information: 480-930-9107 | mary.stokrocki@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Subject: Arts, Cultural, Social studies Speaker:
Stokrocki, Mary
Mary Stokrocki is Distinguished Emerita Professor of Art, Arizona State University. In 2018-20 she served as Co-President of Women’s Caucus, Taiwan Fulbright Scholar (2012), World Bank Consultant to Turkey (1995-1997), former Vice-President and World Counselor of the International Society for Education Through Art [8 years] and President of the United States Society for Education through Art and its Webmaster. Her research interest is mostly qualitative, documenting art teaching internationally and on virtual worlds.
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Online (Zoom) |
Workshop |
Arts, Cultural, Social studies |
Mary Stokrocki
Mary Stokrocki is Distinguished Emerita Professor of Art, Arizona State University. In 2018-20 she served as Co-President of Women’s Caucus, Taiwan Fulbright Scholar (2012), World Bank Consultant to Turkey (1995-1997), former Vice-President and World Counselor of the International Society for Education Through Art [8 years] and President of the United States Society for Education through Art and its Webmaster. Her research interest is mostly qualitative, documenting art teaching internationally and on virtual worlds.
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Searching for hidden treasures embedded mainly on Second Life, that enable participants to visit museums, in different countries, join groups, build sculptures, interview avatars, attend dance/music performances, and share results. Virtual worlds are online 3-D multi-user environments that are computer simulations, where users create their own avatars, participate in various activities, explore different lands, and communicate with others.
Workshop topics include: Searching for hidden treasures in a Turkish carpet; visiting an art gallery where your avatar is projected into the artwork; attending a nonprofit group event that empowers disenfranchised people; exploring international settings; and participating in a dance/music performance site and its multi literacy ways of communication and sharing screenshots on Facebook.
Participants must have an updated computer that can download Second Life (software). Available as an online participatory workshop
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Contact information: 480-930-9107 | mary.stokrocki@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Subject: Arts, Cultural, Social studies Speaker:
Stokrocki, Mary
Mary Stokrocki is Distinguished Emerita Professor of Art, Arizona State University. In 2018-20 she served as Co-President of Women’s Caucus, Taiwan Fulbright Scholar (2012), World Bank Consultant to Turkey (1995-1997), former Vice-President and World Counselor of the International Society for Education Through Art [8 years] and President of the United States Society for Education through Art and its Webmaster. Her research interest is mostly qualitative, documenting art teaching internationally and on virtual worlds.
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Online (Zoom) |
Workshop |
Arts, Cultural, Social studies |
Mary Stokrocki
Mary Stokrocki is Distinguished Emerita Professor of Art, Arizona State University. In 2018-20 she served as Co-President of Women’s Caucus, Taiwan Fulbright Scholar (2012), World Bank Consultant to Turkey (1995-1997), former Vice-President and World Counselor of the International Society for Education Through Art [8 years] and President of the United States Society for Education through Art and its Webmaster. Her research interest is mostly qualitative, documenting art teaching internationally and on virtual worlds.
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Families can celebrate a pretty wide range of life’s events: birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, graduations, job promotions, retirements, religious ceremonies, personal accomplishments, national holidays, holidays in other countries, religious holidays, World Series or Super Bowl victories, and more. Sometimes these celebrations can be simple events, with little planning. At other times, these celebrations can be very elaborate, with months of planning. In this workshop, we will share stories about some of the celebrations that our families hold. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Family gatherings can be small or large, and they occur for all sorts of reasons. For instance, some families gather at their grandparents’ house every weekend, spending hours in conversation and they prepare and then enjoy tasty recipes that have been passed down for generations. Some gather every weekend in the fall to watch a television broadcast of their college or professional football team’s games. Some gather every summer at the family’s vacation home to spend a week together—perhaps disconnected from any digital devices. Others have family reunions every few years. With the busy lives that many families live these days, even a weeknight dinner with immediate family members could be considered a family gathering. Some families use virtual meeting platforms so that family members can enjoy one another’s company even though they may be physically separated by thousands of miles. In this workshop, we will share our stories about the ways in which our families gather. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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The literature on gratitude indicates that it has a range of benefits for both the giver and the recipient. In this workshop, we will consider the ways in which each of us has experienced moments of gratitude. We will reflect on some of those moments, and we will write notes of gratitude to share with family and friends.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Family Myths, Mysteries, Legends, and Lore
It is not an exaggeration to say that every family has some myths, lore, legends, and mysteries. In this workshop, we share some of them with one another, and we will talk about how to unearth some of the stories behind them.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Families observe and celebrate a range of holidays for religious, secular, historical, familial, or even whimsical reasons. In this workshop, each of us will write about a favorite family holiday—how and why we celebrate it.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Favorite Memories about School Days
We have a wide range of memories about our days in school, covering our experiences with the physical spaces of schools, the technologies for learning (e.g., pens, pencils, paper, books, projectors, whiteboards, blackboards, videos), the clothes we wore, many classroom discussions, projects, classmates, teachers, extra-curricular activities, and more. In this workshop, we will first discuss questions about a robust range of memory categories. Then each of us will write a favorite memory, and everyone will be invited to share a memory with the group.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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First Things First – Time Management for Seniors for Fun and Effectiveness in Retirement
In this highly interactive 2-hour workshop, you will learn how to best set priorities to achieve the important things you want to achieve in retirement. This is not a one-size-fits-all time management program, but rather an individualized and interactive approach to help you have the fun and effective retirement lifestyle you desire.
Available as an online presentation anywhere or in-person workshop in the San Diego area
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-399-7704 | gary@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Social studies, Wellness Speaker:
Kleemann, Gary
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Health, Social studies, Wellness |
Gary Kleemann
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
At one time or another, most of us have tasted a food item, smelled something cooking/baking, or heard a piece of music that has taken us (mentally) back to a past experience. This discussion addresses how food and music affect our memories. Audience participation is part of this discussion.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Larry.Edmonds@asu.edu or DoctorEdmonds@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Social studies Speaker:
Edmonds, Larry
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Social studies |
Larry Edmonds
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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Frank Lloyd Wright: The Chicago Years (3 sessions)
In 1887, a 20-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright arrived in Chicago from his native Wisconsin to pursue his dream of architecture, and within three years he had become Louis Sullivan’s head draftsman. By the time Wright established his own firm, he was specializing in domestic architecture, an area often neglected by the leading architects of the day, and he was now determined to bring a new architecture to the American prairie—an architecture rooted in his philosophic beliefs concerning human nature. His first masterpiece, the Winslow House in River Forest, appeared in 1893, and scholar Grant Carpenter Manson once described it as an “amazing leap into the future.” This course—which presumes no prior knowledge—surveys Wright’s Chicago-area homes before 1910 (many of which have been beautifully restored) and examines some of the underlying philosophic premises that guided his architectural choices.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ssiek@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural Speaker:
Siek, Stephen
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Arts, Cultural |
Stephen Siek
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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Frédéric Chopin: The Poetic Revolutionary (3 sessions)
For much of the twentieth century, major critics dismissed Frédéric Chopin as little more than a flashy pianist, but more recent scholarship has established him as a creative, harmonic genius—in fact, he is now generally viewed as a compositional innovator without peer. Though he lived to be only 39, he revolutionized both piano music and piano teaching by transforming a naturally percussive instrument into a medium of song-like lyricism and sensual, kaleidoscopic colors. Though he remains the most influential piano composer of all time, until recently, the serious scholarship examining his life and works has been surprisingly sparse. This course explores Chopin’s life and his revolutionary musical contributions through an examination of recent biographical studies, through numerous recordings of some of the century’s finest Chopin interpreters, and through live performances at the piano. Delivery method: In-person Email: ssiek@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Arts, History, Humanities, Music Speaker:
Siek, Stephen
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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In-person |
Course |
Arts, History, Humanities, Music |
Stephen Siek
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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We will begin with a brief discussion of the methodology of science using as an example our picture of the atom from the Greeks to the present day. We will then go down in scale to the fundamental building blocks of matter, the quarks. As part of this, we will delve into the mysterious Higgs Boson. We will end by discussing the largest structure we know of, the universe, including the existence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Interestingly, we now know that in order to understand the universe and its evolution, we must first understand the micro world of quarks and the quantum.
Available as an in-person or online four lecture mini-course. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: ajs50@cornell.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Sadoff, Ahren
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Course |
Science |
Ahren Sadoff
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Gender Differences – Biology and Culture
This interesting yet very amusing session reviews the biological differences (brain and body) between men and women and how culture has exaggerated these variations over time.
- Differences across time
- Differences across culture
- Differences within gender
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science, Social studies, Wellness Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science, Social studies, Wellness |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
George Hunt: Arizona's Crusading Seven-Term Governor
George W. P. Hunt was a highly colorful Arizona politician. In 1911, Arizona voters chose Hunt the state's first governor. He went on to win election to that office six more times – in 1914, 1916, 1922, 1924, 1926 and 1930. Prior to becoming governor, he served in leadership positions in the territorial legislature and President of the convention that produced the state’s first and only constitution. A progressive force, he was at the center of Arizona Politics from the 1890s down to the early 1930s. The presentation focuses on Hunt’s battles to stem the powers of large corporations, democratize the political system, defend labor rights, reform the prison system, abolish the death penalty, and protect Arizona’s interests in the Colorado River. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: David.Berman@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Politics Speaker:
Berman, David
David R. Berman is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science and a long-time associate with the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University where he has served as a Senior Research Fellow. He has written eleven books and over 100 published papers, book chapters, or referred articles dealing with state and local government, politics, and public policy. His work includes several books and refereed journal articles on the Populist/ Progressive period in the United States, with an emphasis on Arizona and the Mountain West. He is the author of recent biography on Arizona’s first Governor, George W.P. Hunt. His work for the Morrison includes studies on direct democracy, clean elections, top-two primaries, redistricting, dark money, and the state’s political culture.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Politics |
David Berman
David R. Berman is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science and a long-time associate with the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University where he has served as a Senior Research Fellow. He has written eleven books and over 100 published papers, book chapters, or referred articles dealing with state and local government, politics, and public policy. His work includes several books and refereed journal articles on the Populist/ Progressive period in the United States, with an emphasis on Arizona and the Mountain West. He is the author of recent biography on Arizona’s first Governor, George W.P. Hunt. His work for the Morrison includes studies on direct democracy, clean elections, top-two primaries, redistricting, dark money, and the state’s political culture.
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Getting Started with Family History: Research Tips for Beginners
Have you thought about tracing your family’s history but don’t know where to begin? Duane Roen will share some readily available resources, tools, and strategies for getting started with researching your roots. This workshop is designed for those who have little or no experience in researching family history.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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History and Evolution of Music Instruments
A series of four one–hour lectures describing the history of music instruments from traditional and folk cultures to the art cultures of the East, mid–East, Europe and the “new world.” You may choose one lecture or the complete series of four one-hour lectures. The descriptions are under the individual titles in this list. Please see "1001 Arabian Nights or 1001 Musical Strings," "Making Music with “Raspberries,” "Reeds in the Wind," and/or "Thumps and Bumps in the Night."
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: jhaefer@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
The composition of hymns in the Latin language began in the first centuries Anno Domino and continued through the 19th century. In this one and one-half hour lecture major authors of these hymn texts are illustrated via specific hymns from each of three eras: 1) the formative period, 2) the period of florescence, and 3) the period of decline. A handout of authors and titles will be provided.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480 203-3110| r.haefer@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
How Memory Works – Maintaining Brain/Body Wellness
This session discusses the intertwined memory systems and what research suggests is the best way to maintain memory skills throughout life.
- Sensory memory, working memory and the components of the long-term memory system.
- Memory retrieval and current science reviews of how memories are stored.
- Memory and sleep
- Brain Health, age-related memory loss vs dementia(s)
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
How to Live "Forever”: Leaving a Personal Legacy for Future Generations
There are many ways to reflect on our lives, but an especially import question to ask is “How do I want family and friends to remember me?” Of course, it is a very personal question, but it gets at the core of who we are. What are your values? How have those values guided your journey through life? How have/will those value shape the memories that friends and family have of you now and when you are gone? How will your life connect you to future generations? We will write about our personal legacies.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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How to Synchronize, Harmonize, and Optimize Your Relationship with Your Doctor
In this talk we will help you communicate with your doctor, by going inside his or her mind and training, so you will better understand what you are going to be asked. We will describe relevant pertinent information that you can volunteer to further aid the interaction with your doctor. We will look at some of the tests that your doctor may recommend (CT, ultrasound, MRI, PET, x-rays), so you will be better informed and able to ask important questions.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
vanSonnenberg , Eric
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Health, Science, Wellness |
Eric vanSonnenberg
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Humor across the Academic Disciplines
Humor is an aspect of all academic areas. For example, the Psychological Functions of humor are: To amuse, to establish superiority, to gain control, to persuade, to save face, to test limits, or to inbond or outbond with a social group. The Intellectual Functions of humor are: To amuse, to teach, to make connections, to compare two scripts—one mundane, and one dramatic. The Education Functions of humor are: To relax students, to teach facts, to argue and persuade, to teach vocabulary concepts, to teach careful observation, to problem solve, to engage students, and to aid memory enhancement. (One session) Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: don.nilsen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Communications, Cultural, Education, Humanities, Psychology Speaker:
Nilsen, Don
Don Nilsen's areas of specialization within English Linguistics are Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse Theory. He is especially interested in sophisticated discourse; therefore, he studies the nature of Double Entendre, Symbolism, Metaphor, Irony, Parody, Paradox, Wit, Symbolism, Humor, Comedy and Tragi-comedy.
Don and his wife, Aileen, are Co-Founders of the International Society for Humor Studies, and they regularly make presentations for the Arizona Humanities Council on such topics as "Humor: Features, Functions and Subjects," "Some Humorous Analogues between Language and Art," "Literary Onomastics: Names and Naming in Young Adult Literature," "The Recycling of Visual Symbols in Political Cartoons," and "Afghanistan: A Country at the Crossroads."
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Communications, Cultural, Education, Humanities, Psychology |
Don Nilsen
Don Nilsen's areas of specialization within English Linguistics are Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse Theory. He is especially interested in sophisticated discourse; therefore, he studies the nature of Double Entendre, Symbolism, Metaphor, Irony, Parody, Paradox, Wit, Symbolism, Humor, Comedy and Tragi-comedy.
Don and his wife, Aileen, are Co-Founders of the International Society for Humor Studies, and they regularly make presentations for the Arizona Humanities Council on such topics as "Humor: Features, Functions and Subjects," "Some Humorous Analogues between Language and Art," "Literary Onomastics: Names and Naming in Young Adult Literature," "The Recycling of Visual Symbols in Political Cartoons," and "Afghanistan: A Country at the Crossroads."
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Humor and Laughter in Our Lives
Research indicates that getting angry or upset can suppress our immune systems, but finding humor in stressful situations and laughing at them can boost our immune systems, reduce stress, and even regulate blood pressure (Northwestern Medicine). Fortunately, life offers us humor in many forms and at many moments. In this workshop, we will share some of the humor that each of us has experienced. We will discuss some of that humor; then we will write about it and share what we have written. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Medicine, Psychology, Wellness Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Medicine, Psychology, Wellness |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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I Was a Perfect Child, But There Was That One Time
Of course, all of us were perfect children. However, there may have been a time or two—no more than that—when we fell short of angelic behavior and fell into the depths of naughty behavior. Perhaps we weren’t quite truthful when we explained that the dog ate our homework. Or maybe it was not accurate to say that a passerby threw a rock through the window. Or maybe it wasn’t by accident that dish soap was added to a sibling’s orange juice. Or maybe the baby sister did not give herself a buzz cut. We will begin this session by sharing a few childhood stories about that one time when we were not perfect children. After that, we will each write about one moment—hopefully humorous—in childhood when we fell short of being perfect.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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If I Knew That Today Was My Last Day
In this workshop we will discuss the following question: “If you knew that today was the last day of your life, how would you spend the day?” Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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If You Could Live in the Past or Live in the Future
Many of us dream about going back and living in the past, perhaps to remedy a mistake we made or to capture a missed opportunity when we were younger. Others of us imaging living in the future to see how our world evolves (or devolves) and to find out how we or our children or grandchildren or neighbors and friends turned out. This discussion brings together attendee desires and/or perceptions of what things might be like for them if they could return to the past or advance to the future.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Larry.Edmonds@asu.edu or DoctorEdmonds@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Social studies Speaker:
Edmonds, Larry
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Social studies |
Larry Edmonds
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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It's a Wonderful Life: How Have You Affected the Lives of Others
In the 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey (played my Jimmy Stewart) is so overwhelmed by problems in his life that he wishes that he had never been born. In the next section of the film, he learns what life would have been like if he had not been born, and he comes to appreciate the positive—and even lifesaving—effect he has had on the lives of family and friends. In this workshop we will write about how the lives of our family and friends would be different if each of us had not been born.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Language, Memory and Communication
This session reviews the biology of language acquisition and describes how quickly language develops. We also discuss how language establishes the foundation for written language and IQ.
- Stages of language development
- Language and Verbal IQ
- Communicative abilities in other species
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Leadership Every Day of Lives
Sometimes people think that leadership is associated with a job title. However, for organizations and communities and families to function as well as possible, each of us needs to act as a leader every day of our lives. In this workshop, we will discuss a few dozen leadership qualities, as well as family members (including ourselves) and friends who consistently demonstrate these qualities. Then each of us will write about a family member or friend who exhibits leadership every day. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, Psychology, Wellness Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics, Psychology, Wellness |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Learning to Laugh at Yourself
Research suggests that laughing at yourself has many benefits. It can help people to cope with the challenges of everyday life. It can heal us deal with self- doubt. It can make it easier to own our mistakes. It is a form of self-awareness. It is correlated with happiness. It can help us be humble. In this workshop, we will talk about our own experiences with laughing at ourselves and how we learned to do that. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Sometimes family members teach us lessons about life by talking with or to us. For example, perhaps a parent talked with us on the heels of a conversation in our elementary school principal’s office. At other times, though, family members and friends teach us about life simply by the ways that they live their lives—e.g., the ways that they treat other people, the ways that they display emotional intelligence, or the ways in which they do their jobs. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the ways that family members and friends have taught us about life. Then each of us will write about one learned lesson.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Los Villancicos de Ibero-Americana: not just Christmas carols
Villancicos are a genre of music often translated into English as a “carol,” thus implying Christmas music. Indeed the villancico genre is much more than Christmas music. In this lecture we will explore the more than 400 villancicos found in the archive of the Catedral Basilica Metropolitana y Primada (Imaculate Concepción) de Bogotá, Nueva Granada (Colombia) — music, which is very different from that of the villancicos of Mexico, Nueva España.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-203-3110 | r.haefer@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Lost Worlds of 1863: Relocation and Removal of American Indians in the Central Rockies and the Greater Southwest
This is a presentation on the forced removal of Native Americans in the Greater Southwest, an area that includes all the lands between the northern boundaries of California, Nevada and Utah southward to the Tropic of Cancer in the Mexican North, and from the Pacific coast in the West to the mid-Kansas area in the East. The narrative centers around the year 1863, which is simply a hook around which to hang various case studies. “1863” is not a precursor for all that follows, or a necessary consequence of what went before. The year “1863” allows the reader to compare the various experiences of several tribal groups—Paiute, Ute, Navajo, Shoshone, Yavapai, Apache, Yaqui, and O’odham (Pima and Papago). Navajo and Yaqui images from a mural Navajo artist Steven Yazzie produced for the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona in the year 2000 are some of the illustrations that are used in the presentation. It is worth noting that more Indian lives were lost and more land removed from indigenous peoples during the Civil War years than at any other time in American history.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: draat@cox.net or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, History, Social studies Speaker:
Raat, William Dirk
W. Dirk Raat, Ph.D. received his doctorate from the University of Utah in 1967. He taught Mexican and Latin American history for 34 years at the University of Utah, Moorhead State College in Minnesota, the State University of New York in Fredonia, and at Arizona State University and ASU West. Professor Raat has authored over thirty-plus articles in referred journals and encyclopedias on Mexican history, U.S. Mexican relations, historical geography, and instructional technology. Most recently he is the author of an essay on the American Southwest as Mesoamerica’s northern frontier that appears as the lead article in Transnational Indians in the North American West, edited by Clarissa Confer, Andrae Marak, and Laura Tuennerman (College Station, Tx.: Texas A&M University Press, 2015). In addition, Professor Raat has published eight books on the history of Mexico and Mexico-U.S. relations. His latest book is a study he did with photographer George Janeĉek entitled Mexico’s Sierra Tarahumara: A Photohistory of the People of the Edge (Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1996).
Raat has a new book, entitled Lost Worlds of 1863 to be published by Wiley Blackwell in Fall 2021 with Navajo artist Steven Yazzie on the nineteenth century experiences of several Native American groups in the Greater American Southwest. He is a SUNY Fredonia Emeritus Professor and ASU Emeritus. He is also an adjunct professor at ASU West where he teaches a non-credit course on the history and culture of Native Americans in the Southwest. Raat was until recently a docent for the Heard Museum in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. He lives in Surprise, Arizona with his wife, and has children and grandchildren in San Francisco and Santa Fe.
In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Ethics, History, Social studies |
William Dirk Raat
W. Dirk Raat, Ph.D. received his doctorate from the University of Utah in 1967. He taught Mexican and Latin American history for 34 years at the University of Utah, Moorhead State College in Minnesota, the State University of New York in Fredonia, and at Arizona State University and ASU West. Professor Raat has authored over thirty-plus articles in referred journals and encyclopedias on Mexican history, U.S. Mexican relations, historical geography, and instructional technology. Most recently he is the author of an essay on the American Southwest as Mesoamerica’s northern frontier that appears as the lead article in Transnational Indians in the North American West, edited by Clarissa Confer, Andrae Marak, and Laura Tuennerman (College Station, Tx.: Texas A&M University Press, 2015). In addition, Professor Raat has published eight books on the history of Mexico and Mexico-U.S. relations. His latest book is a study he did with photographer George Janeĉek entitled Mexico’s Sierra Tarahumara: A Photohistory of the People of the Edge (Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1996).
Raat has a new book, entitled Lost Worlds of 1863 to be published by Wiley Blackwell in Fall 2021 with Navajo artist Steven Yazzie on the nineteenth century experiences of several Native American groups in the Greater American Southwest. He is a SUNY Fredonia Emeritus Professor and ASU Emeritus. He is also an adjunct professor at ASU West where he teaches a non-credit course on the history and culture of Native Americans in the Southwest. Raat was until recently a docent for the Heard Museum in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. He lives in Surprise, Arizona with his wife, and has children and grandchildren in San Francisco and Santa Fe.
Making and Playing Simple Percussion Instruments
Budding percussionists of all ages (3- 93) will learn how to make and play simple percussion instruments from wood and items found around the home. At the beginning of the workshop, Duane and Maureen Roen will show some percussion instruments that they have built (rain sticks, cajons, kalimbas, guiros, thunder drums, and dozens more), and they will explain their building techniques, as well as cultural origins of some of the instruments. Everyone is welcomed to try out the instruments. Following that, Duane and Maureen will help class participants make simple instruments using everyday objects. The workshop will end with a brief concert performed by all the budding percussionists! Duane and Maureen will provide materials for making simple percussion instruments—e.g., blocks of hardwood and small, hard plastic bottles. If participants can bring some small, hard plastic bottles with lids (e.g., vitamin containers), that would be helpful (but not required). Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, Education, History, Humanities, Music Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Arts, Cultural, Education, History, Humanities, Music |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Making Music with “Raspberries”
A history of music instruments played by buzzing your lips from conch shells and natural horns to trumpets with valves. The brass family.
This lecture is part of a series of four one–hour lectures describing the history of music instruments from traditional and folk cultures to the art cultures of the East, mid–East, Europe and the “new world.”
Each lecture is accompanied by photographs and sound bites of a series of instruments.
See the course listed as "History and Evolution of Music Instruments" for the other courses in the series. You may choose one lecture or the complete series of four one-hour lectures.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: jhaefer@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Making Your Own Family History: Keeping a Journal
How are you making history? Duane Roen will discuss keeping a diary or journal to record and reflect on our daily activities. Duane will begin the session by talking about the daily journal that he has kept with his wife, Maureen. Together they have written more than 15,000 pages as they have captured family stories to pass down to future generations. Participants will write a journal. Participants will be invited to share their writing with the group. In turn, the group will be encouraged to offer constructive feedback that will help writers develop their writing further.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In this workshop we’ll tap into past memories by first drawing a rough map identifying the places and spaces that represented the focus of our world—and the people and activities in it—at a particular phase of life. What spaces were important at 10? 20? 40? Then we’ll write about a memory associated with a particular mapped place/space/experience.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Mariachi, It Might Not Be What You Think
A one-hour history of the development of Mariachi in Mexico and the United States of America with photos and sounds. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: r.haefer@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 203-3110
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480)965-0002 Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, International, Music, Social studies Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, International, Music, Social studies |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Medical School Education Today — So Different from When Your Doctor Went to Medical School if More Than 15 Years Ago!
American medical schools have undergone an amazing transformation from what had been stable learning formats for well over 70 years. We will highlight the interesting, nascent formation of medical schools in the United States, and the evolving transformation that has markedly changed medical education today.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
vanSonnenberg , Eric
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Health, Science, Wellness |
Eric vanSonnenberg
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Medical Student Research— a Relatively New, but Essential, Phenomenon
If your doctor is more than 40 to 45 years old, good chance that he or she never did any, or much, research while in medical school, unless he or she was also a PhD. Today, research in medical school is essential for virtually all specialties, and some, as many as over 20 research entities. The reasoning, the types of projects, and the stresses on current medical students are interesting and will be discussed.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
vanSonnenberg , Eric
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Health, Science, Wellness |
Eric vanSonnenberg
Eric vanSonnenberg MD is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He went on to do a surgical internship and residency in Internal Medicine before his radiology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Radiology. Dr. vanSonnenberg has held, or is currently, Professor at UCSD, UCLA, University of Arizona, University of Texas, and Harvard Medical School. He has authored over 300 original articles, 3 books, 50 book chapters, and 170 poster exhibits, along with numerous grants in Interventional Radiology. He has been editor of several medical journals, as well as Emeritus Voices, the literary Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. His national and international lectures include over 1200, predominantly, but not limited to, radiology topics.
Dr. vanSonnenberg is former President of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Society and the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology; he is the Cannon (Gold) Medal Award recipient from the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has been awarded Best Paper Presentation and Traveling Fellowship awards from these societies. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia/New Zealand Radiology, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Medical Student Research Teaching Award at Harvard Medical School. He has been a competitive hardball baseball player, basketball player, and is a banjo and mandolin (quasi-) player.
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Memories about the Seasons of the Year
Memories about the seasons of the year vary depending on where we lived at the time. For example, people who have lived in the northern states have much different memories about winter and summer from those of people who grew up in the Phoenix area. Also, children’s experiences with winter in the Great Lakes states differ from the experiences of adults who have lived in that part of the country. For children, snow offers opportunities for play that don’t exist in the summer; for adults, snow is something to shovel and something that makes driving more challenging. There’s a good reason why so many “snow birds” spend the winter in southern Arizona. In this workshop, we’ll talk about our experiences with the seasons and compare them with others’ experiences. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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A great vehicle (groan) for accessing rich memories is to think about, or ask a family member about, experiences and memorable moments related to transportation of any kind. Maybe it’s a bike or car you saved up for—or that you never had but always envied. Your bus ride to school. Maybe it’s the Farmall tractor you rode on with your dad. Or your first cross-country road trip in a rusted-out Chevy Luv pickup. Or the dusty pink Studebaker that your aunt drove. In this workshop, we will share some of those memories in conversation and in writing.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Memory and Cognitive Flexibility: Our Brain’s Executive Functions
This highly interactive session reviews the components of executive function (EF) including attention span, working memory, planning and mental flexibility, physical inhibition and emotional regulation (self-control). Discussion includes how and when EF skills develop and how to keep these essential brain functions working through our whole life. Tips for maintaining memory and problem solving will be demonstrated. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Message to the World—Sharing My Motto for Life
In this workshop, we will discuss our views of life and how we have lived life. We will consider how we might present those views at mottos on a poster, headstone, t-shirt, coffee mug, bumper sticker, sign, or email signature. Each of us will do a rough design for one or more of these media. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Family members have first names (given names), middle names, and last names. Each of those names has an origin and a meaning. For example, “Duane” is a Gaelic name meaning “dark one,” and “Roen” is a Norwegian farm name (“Raaen”) meaning “rapidly running water.” Throughout history, naming practices have varied around the world, and in recent history, some names have gone in and out of favor. For example, “Duane” was pretty common in the United States in the middle of the twentieth century; now it is pretty rare. Besides naming practices and the historical means of names, each of us has emotions that we associate with our names. In this workshop, we will write about our own names or the names of family members to explore what we know about them and how we feel about them. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Neighbors, Neighborhood(s), and Neighborliness
During our lives, some of us live in relatively few neighborhoods, which was often the case for earlier generations. On the other hand, some of us live in many neighborhoods—e.g., military families. Some of us may think of our neighborhoods as relatively small areas—e.g., the block that we live on. Other may think of a neighborhood as a larger area—e.g., the ten closest farms. As we think about our experiences living in few or many neighborhoods, we can reflect on what constitutes a neighborhood. How do the people who live their make a difference in our lives? What do we like our about neighborhood? How does it feel when we leave one neighborhood and move to another one? In this workshop, we will reflect on these and many more questions. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Neurolinguistic Programming
How does our state of mind and body affect our communication and our behavior? Our mind and bodily states show up in our language and non-verbal communication, but we have the power to make changes our mind and bodily states. This presentation covers those changes.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Larry.Edmonds@asu.edu or DoctorEdmonds@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Social studies Speaker:
Edmonds, Larry
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Social studies |
Larry Edmonds
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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Neutrinos: Phantoms of the Universe (4 lecture course or single lecture)
The prediction and subsequent discovery of the neutrino, a particle of no electrical charge and very little mass, but which exists around us in inconceivable numbers, is one of the greatest triumphs of modern theoretical and experimental physics. Today, neutrinos demonstrate their worth as probes of a wide range of phenomena, from the subatomic to the cosmic. The history and concepts of neutrino physics are explained in language accessible to any high school graduate who has fulfilled general college admission prerequisites.
Available as an in-person lecture or 4 lecture mini-course
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Nineteenth-Century Arizona Through the Stereoscope
During the last half of the 19th century, virtually every parlor in the country contained a stereoscope and collection of stereo views. In the time before printed photographic reproduction, radio, or movies, stereographs were a significant social focal point for families and visitors. Stereo views were sent home from travels, used in education, traded, and collected actively worldwide. Arizona and the West were popular subjects, and stereo photographers actively documented the development of our state. This presentation addresses the history of stereo photography in Arizona, from the Hayden and Powell surveys of the Grand Canyon in the 1870s to the entrepreneurs and local photographers documenting the development of our state. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Email: Jeremy.rowe@asu.edu
Phone: 480-299-9543
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Subject: Arts, Communications, Cultural, Design, History, Social studies Speaker:
Rowe, Jeremy
Dr. Jeremy Rowe has collected, researched, and written about 19th- and early 20th-century photographs for thirty years. He has taught video and photography in the College of Education at ASU, and worked with the Library doing faculty development and distance education. He wrote Arizona Photographers 1850 - 1920: A History and Directory, Arizona Real Photo Postcards: A History and Portfolio, and Arizona Stereographs 1865 – 1930, and numerous chapters and articles on photographic history. He curated exhibitions and serves on boards, including the Daguerreian Society, The Ephemera Society of America, Daniel Nagrin Theatre Film & Dance Foundation Inc. as Chairman, and currently the National Stereoscopic Association. He was a Fulbright Specialist at the National Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and currently works with the Library of Congress on projects related to the Nagrin collection and National Stereoscopic Research Collection and Fellowships. Jeremy is a member of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University, and is currently a Senior Research Scientist at New York University.
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Online (Zoom) |
Lecture |
Arts, Communications, Cultural, Design, History, Social studies |
Jeremy Rowe
Dr. Jeremy Rowe has collected, researched, and written about 19th- and early 20th-century photographs for thirty years. He has taught video and photography in the College of Education at ASU, and worked with the Library doing faculty development and distance education. He wrote Arizona Photographers 1850 - 1920: A History and Directory, Arizona Real Photo Postcards: A History and Portfolio, and Arizona Stereographs 1865 – 1930, and numerous chapters and articles on photographic history. He curated exhibitions and serves on boards, including the Daguerreian Society, The Ephemera Society of America, Daniel Nagrin Theatre Film & Dance Foundation Inc. as Chairman, and currently the National Stereoscopic Association. He was a Fulbright Specialist at the National Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and currently works with the Library of Congress on projects related to the Nagrin collection and National Stereoscopic Research Collection and Fellowships. Jeremy is a member of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University, and is currently a Senior Research Scientist at New York University.
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Some of us may have had one best friend throughout our lives—that neighbor or first-grade friend who has stayed with us for decades. Some of us, though, may have had a series of best friends—one in elementary school, one in secondary school, one in college, one in more recent years. And some of us may have added best friends along the way, so that we now have “a group of best friends.” We will begin this workshop by talking about some of our best friends and what role(s) they have played in our lives. After that, we will each write about a best friend.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Our Greatest Commitments/Passions in Life
In this workshop we will begin by discussing some of our greatest commitments/passions in life (or those of some family members)—what they are, why we have them, how we have pursued them. They may be in any realm of life—academic, professional, civic, personal. After we have discussed some examples from our lives, we will each write about one of them.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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From childhood to today, we have role models who have shaped us in diverse ways. Maybe our eighth-grade language arts teacher showed us how to nurture learning and learners. Maybe a grandparent lived a life that taught us the importance of empathy and compassion. Maybe a parent showed us the importance of sacrifice in the service of others. In this workshop, each of us will write about a person who has served as role model for us and others.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Our Trip to Tuscany and Umbria 2015
We spent the month of September of 2015 visiting the Tuscany and Umbrian areas of Italy on a food-oriented tour of the region. This travelogue will be a discussion with pictures of this trip. This trip off the beaten path gave us a good understanding of what it might be like to live in the Italian countryside. Questions from participants are welcomed and encouraged.
Available as an online presentation anywhere or in-person in the San Diego area
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-399-7704 | gary@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, International, Travelogue Speaker:
Kleemann, Gary
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, International, Travelogue |
Gary Kleemann
Gary Kleemann completed a BA at San Jose State University, an MS at Oregon State University, and a PhD at ASU. He served in both administrative and faculty positions at ASU Tempe and was a founding administrator and faculty member at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Gary taught graduate and undergraduate students and conducted many workshops for students, faculty and staff.
In retirement, Gary has served on several community boards, including New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning at Mesa Community College, the ASU Retirees Association, and the ASU Emeritus College’s Dean’s Council. Travelling the world with his wife Vina and sharing the experiences is an important part of his retirement.
Particle Cosmology: Quarks, the Higgs and the Big Bang (4 lecture course)
This course is designed for adults who, while not necessarily trained in the sciences, have sincere curiosity about the origin of the universe in which we live and how, according to current scientific understanding, it happened. The current well established standard model of the universe, including its birth, referred to popularly as the Big Bang, and the basic constituents of its contents, will be discussed with particular emphasis placed on the evidence sustaining it. The course is taught at the university general studies level and has no mathematics or physics prerequisites beyond that ordinarily required for high school graduation. New concepts will be carefully introduced. This course is an adaptation for ASU Osher and Tempe Connections of a Junior-Senior honors course taught by the instructor at Barrett, the Honors College at ASU.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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People Who Have Helped Me to Become the Person I Am
Throughout our lives, many people help us to become the people we are today. Family, friends, teachers, and mentors, for example, can do that through their direct interactions with us. However, many people who have never met us have also helped us become the people we are today—the public figure who consistently demonstrates qualities such as kindness, empathy, humility, and other features that we value. In this workshop we will talk about a range of people who have directly or indirectly helped us to become who we are today. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Policy and Regulation Development for Successful Organizations
The vital importance of developing an effective policy and regulation manual for any organization is detailed with details of codifying the manual's contents. Open to all individuals who are directing the purposes and regulations of an office or organization. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: nortonscott20@gmail.com
Phone: 480-838-9138
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002
Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Business, Communications, Economics, Policy Speaker:
Norton, M. Scott
Dr. M. Scott Norton has served as a secondary school teacher of mathematics, coordinator of curriculum for the Lincoln, Nebraska. School District, assistant superintendent for instruction, and superintendent of schools in Salina, Kansas, before joining the University of Nebraska as professor and Vice-Chair of the Department of Educational Administration and Supervision. Later he served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies at Arizona State University where he is currently professor emeritus. He served militarily in the United States Air Force where he chaired the Department of Mathematics for the Lackland Educational Preparation School in San Antonio, Texas. He has published widely on a variety of educational topics for Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. He has authored many articles for various professional journals in education, several textbooks on human resources in organizations, and more than 15 books on a variety of educational topics in the professional field of education. He recently served a three-year term on the Governance Council for the Emeritus College at Arizona State University.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Business, Communications, Economics, Policy |
M. Scott Norton
Dr. M. Scott Norton has served as a secondary school teacher of mathematics, coordinator of curriculum for the Lincoln, Nebraska. School District, assistant superintendent for instruction, and superintendent of schools in Salina, Kansas, before joining the University of Nebraska as professor and Vice-Chair of the Department of Educational Administration and Supervision. Later he served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies at Arizona State University where he is currently professor emeritus. He served militarily in the United States Air Force where he chaired the Department of Mathematics for the Lackland Educational Preparation School in San Antonio, Texas. He has published widely on a variety of educational topics for Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. He has authored many articles for various professional journals in education, several textbooks on human resources in organizations, and more than 15 books on a variety of educational topics in the professional field of education. He recently served a three-year term on the Governance Council for the Emeritus College at Arizona State University.
Post Card Images of Arizona, 1900 -1920
After the turn of the century, there was an explosion in amateur photography, and changes in postal regulation made the photographic postcard a popular communication medium. Within a few years, millions of photographic postcards were sent, exchanged, and collected each year. The popularity of the photographic postcard coincided with a time of significant growth and development of Arizona, and thousands of images were produced that document the social and cultural development of our state. For the first time, amateur photographers joined professionals to document parades and public events, fires and other natural disasters, developing communities, mining, Native Americans and their ceremonies, and virtually every other activity of daily life in this important pioneer period of our state's history. This presentation provides a survey of historically important photographic postcard images taken in Arizona between ca 1900 and 1920 that depict a broad range of subjects. Appropriate background information about the processes and techniques for making, reproducing, and marketing the photographs and of the boom in post card collecting are included, as is the reflection of the changing societal perception of the West in photographic style and captions on the cards themselves. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Email: Jeremy.rowe@asu.edu
Phone: 480-299-9543
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Subject: Arts, Communications, Cultural, Design, History, Social studies Speaker:
Rowe, Jeremy
Dr. Jeremy Rowe has collected, researched, and written about 19th- and early 20th-century photographs for thirty years. He has taught video and photography in the College of Education at ASU, and worked with the Library doing faculty development and distance education. He wrote Arizona Photographers 1850 - 1920: A History and Directory, Arizona Real Photo Postcards: A History and Portfolio, and Arizona Stereographs 1865 – 1930, and numerous chapters and articles on photographic history. He curated exhibitions and serves on boards, including the Daguerreian Society, The Ephemera Society of America, Daniel Nagrin Theatre Film & Dance Foundation Inc. as Chairman, and currently the National Stereoscopic Association. He was a Fulbright Specialist at the National Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and currently works with the Library of Congress on projects related to the Nagrin collection and National Stereoscopic Research Collection and Fellowships. Jeremy is a member of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University, and is currently a Senior Research Scientist at New York University.
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Online (Zoom) |
Lecture |
Arts, Communications, Cultural, Design, History, Social studies |
Jeremy Rowe
Dr. Jeremy Rowe has collected, researched, and written about 19th- and early 20th-century photographs for thirty years. He has taught video and photography in the College of Education at ASU, and worked with the Library doing faculty development and distance education. He wrote Arizona Photographers 1850 - 1920: A History and Directory, Arizona Real Photo Postcards: A History and Portfolio, and Arizona Stereographs 1865 – 1930, and numerous chapters and articles on photographic history. He curated exhibitions and serves on boards, including the Daguerreian Society, The Ephemera Society of America, Daniel Nagrin Theatre Film & Dance Foundation Inc. as Chairman, and currently the National Stereoscopic Association. He was a Fulbright Specialist at the National Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and currently works with the Library of Congress on projects related to the Nagrin collection and National Stereoscopic Research Collection and Fellowships. Jeremy is a member of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University, and is currently a Senior Research Scientist at New York University.
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Postmodern Art and Culture
This presentation will engage the audience in the plurality of theories, attitudes, ideas, and experiences (often conflicting) that came about in the mid-twentieth century. Postmodernism literally means after Modernism, but it is also a set of perspectives used in critical theory that refers to a point of departure from Modernism for visual art, design, film, drama, literature, architecture, business, marketing, law, and culture. Postmodernism is also an aesthetic, literary, scientific, political, social and cultural philosophy. It is a new way to understand a new world. Attempting to define it violates a Postmodern premise that no definite terms, boundaries, or absolute truth exists. (Available as an in-person lecture).
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural Speaker:
Desmond, Kathleen
Professor Kathleen Desmond is Emerita Professor of Art History/Theory, University of Central Missouri. She was Assistant Provost, Graduate Dean, Art Department Chair, Art Gallery Curator and consultant to art organizations, publishers and museums. Her articles are published in art journals and books and her art is regularly exhibited. Her book Ideas About Art was published by Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. She earned her Doctorate and Master’s at ASU and Bachelor’s at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural |
Kathleen Desmond
Professor Kathleen Desmond is Emerita Professor of Art History/Theory, University of Central Missouri. She was Assistant Provost, Graduate Dean, Art Department Chair, Art Gallery Curator and consultant to art organizations, publishers and museums. Her articles are published in art journals and books and her art is regularly exhibited. Her book Ideas About Art was published by Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. She earned her Doctorate and Master’s at ASU and Bachelor’s at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Power and Sex in Shakespeare
The title of this course is not original to me but was created by Professor Nancy Guitierrez for classes in Shakespeare studies at ASU during the 1980s. Shakespeare assigns power to some of his women characters ("sex") through ("power")ful, if sometimes outrageous, language. This lecture examines how Shakespeare assigns power and uses it to create action--how action conveyed through words creates power. We will examine Shakespeare's word choice for certain women characters and how their language influences the action of the play. The lecturer expects to create dialogue among members of the audience and herself. Quotations from The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, King John, Macbeth, Taming of the Shrew, and Romeo and Juliet serve as examples.
In Shakespeare's era, women's and girls' roles were performed by boys. Does this knowledge aid in understanding gender roles here? I question the verisimilitude and authenticity of these roles from the plays listed above and will take comments from the audience. Audience members are encouraged to read the plays, if not in total, at least in summary before attending the lecture. Synopses can serve as preparation, but familiarity with Shakespeare's language is encouraged. Referenced text will be shown on PowerPoint at appropriate times. Delivery method: In-person Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture, Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Humanities Speaker:
Gordon, Beatrice (Babs)
Babs grew up in Chicago where she received her certification as a Medical Technologist. Interrupted studies at Vassar College and Northwestern University were completed at ASU years later when she moved to the Phoenix area in 1962. In the 1980s and 90s, she received two Liberal Arts Masters Degrees: one in English Literature and later, Applied Ethics and the Professions. Babs taught in the English Department for fifteen years and is today Instructor Emerita and a member of the Emeritus College.
In-person |
Lecture, Workshop |
Arts, Cultural, History, Humanities |
Beatrice (Babs) Gordon
Babs grew up in Chicago where she received her certification as a Medical Technologist. Interrupted studies at Vassar College and Northwestern University were completed at ASU years later when she moved to the Phoenix area in 1962. In the 1980s and 90s, she received two Liberal Arts Masters Degrees: one in English Literature and later, Applied Ethics and the Professions. Babs taught in the English Department for fifteen years and is today Instructor Emerita and a member of the Emeritus College.
Public Speaking and Fatal Flaws in Presentations and Pitches
Ever wonder why some folks can give a great presentation, and others can’t (perhaps ... you?). Well, you CAN do this, you just need, perhaps, some coaching and tips (many learned the hard way). It’s not true that some are born with the "gift of gab” and others aren’t. It's all about CONFIDENCE ... and identifying the fatal flaws that can kill a bad pitch. Your professor, Dr. Danny, has spoken on six continents at some of the world’s greatest venues, including the Sydney Opera House, the Eiffel Tower, the White House, and Madison Square Garden. Best of all, at all of the above venues, he was the Key-Note speaker. Additionally, Dr. Danny has coached teams for Shark Tank. But this is about YOU and you CAN do this do this if you recognize and eliminate flaws that can kill you (and ruin a career!). We’ll learn how to explain complex topics, how to engage the audience, how to read and work the room. We’ll add a drop of humor ... and humility ... too. This content is offered as a lecture … but that doesn’t give YOU the opportunity to practice and receive constructive critiquing. So, it’s best provided as a series of sessions where we identify the pitfalls, and then practice, practice, and ... practice!. Delivery method: In-person Email: dckneer@asu.edu
Phone: (619) 878-4991
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002
This is a test Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Communications, Psychology Speaker:
Danny Kneer
Danny Kneer, "Dr. Danny," who holds a PhD from the University of Missouri at Columbia, is proud to be known as a "practical professor," with his two proudest achievements being 1) his award as ASU Teacher of the Year and 2) earning a jacket-patch from the US Postal Inspector’s Bomb Investigation Unit (working a very hi-profile case). From writing a national award-winning dissertation ("Computer Security in Complex Networks") to a Lifetime Recognition Award for the Innovative Usage of Technology in Investigations, it’s been an honor to be a college professor. Danny is proud that his work in advanced analytics and forensic computer crime led to the American Bar Association recognizing his research as "the practical research that we sorely need." He was the inaugural Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems and received both a British journal's Award for Excellence and a Bronze medal from an American journal.
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In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Communications, Psychology |
Danny Kneer
Danny Kneer, "Dr. Danny," who holds a PhD from the University of Missouri at Columbia, is proud to be known as a "practical professor," with his two proudest achievements being 1) his award as ASU Teacher of the Year and 2) earning a jacket-patch from the US Postal Inspector’s Bomb Investigation Unit (working a very hi-profile case). From writing a national award-winning dissertation ("Computer Security in Complex Networks") to a Lifetime Recognition Award for the Innovative Usage of Technology in Investigations, it’s been an honor to be a college professor. Danny is proud that his work in advanced analytics and forensic computer crime led to the American Bar Association recognizing his research as "the practical research that we sorely need." He was the inaugural Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems and received both a British journal's Award for Excellence and a Bronze medal from an American journal.
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Publishing Your Family History
Although many people automatically consider books to be the best media for publishing family histories, there are many other ways to make your family history writing available to interested readers. In this workshop, we will spend some time discussing book publishing, but we will also consider a range of digital media and venues that are more cost effective than printed books and that can more easily reach a larger audience.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Putin’s Russia: Where From, Where At, and Where To
Course offers a variety of contrasts within Russian civilization during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. Examples of Putin’s “modernization” success are juxtaposed to events protesting government corruption. His recent military aggression on Ukraine is discussed in relation to Russian and Soviet past aggressions against minorities and Eastern Europe. Course emphasizes contemporary reactions within Russian society about the current state of modernization programs and of national morale during the invasion of Ukraine. Course also looks at the contemporary situation of the effects of the pandemic and war on Russian life at home, at the dacha, at the ballet and theatre performances and at traditional shopping locations and centers. Up-to-date interests of main-stream Russians in politics, demonstrations, cyber-technology, and national literature are elaborated. The course concludes with evaluating scenarios of Russia’s future.
Available as an online or in-person course of three sessions of two hours each. Course can be adjusted for one session of three hours on request.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, International, Politics, Social studies Speaker:
Tichy, Charles
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Cultural, History, International, Politics, Social studies |
Charles Tichy
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Recording Oral Histories with Family Members
We will talk about some of the resources that are available, and how to use those resources. We will talk about informed consent, as well as permission to record interviews and to archive those recordings. We will also discuss recommended practices and sample questions for interviewing family members. We will conduct a mock interview during the session. There will be time to write questions that you’d like to ask a family member.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Vibrating bamboo attached to instruments of wood, ebony, plastic and even other pieces of bamboo form the family colloquially called “woodwinds.”
This lecture is part of a series of four one–hour lectures describing the history of music instruments from traditional and folk cultures to the art cultures of the East, mid–East, Europe and the “new world.”
Each lecture is accompanied by photographs and sound bites of a series of instruments.
See the course listed as "History and Evolution of Music Instruments" for the other courses in the series. You may choose one lecture or the complete series of four one-hour lectures.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: jhaefer@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Reflecting on the Roles of Mentoring in Our Lives
Mentors can play important roles in our lives, from childhood through adulthood. Effective mentors listen with empathy so that they know what forms of mentoring we need. Effective mentors share their experiences with us, and they reflect on what they have learned from those experiences. Effective mentors have intellectual humility, which means that mentoring is a two-way street in which the mentor and mentee learn from each other. In this workshop, we will talk about the ways that we have experienced mentoring and what we have learned from it—in school, in our jobs, and in our life with family and friends. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Reflections on Courage in Our Lives
I developed this workshop immediately after seeing a Theater of War production of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen’s 1882 play Enemy of the People. I had read the play decades earlier in high school, and it had made me reflect on the nature of courage. However, when I saw the production in February 2024, my emotional response was so strong that I spent the rest of the evening reading about the topic and drafting questions for discussion and writing. In this workshop we will reflect on our thoughts about courage and our experiences with courage. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Reflections on Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is an important quality. It helps us to navigate interactions with others in a wide range of academic, professional, civic, and personal contexts. For some, emotional intelligence seems to develop early in life; for others, it seems to develop much later. In some cases, it seems to elude people. In this workshop we will discuss our experiences with emotional intelligence that we have observed and/or used. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Reflections on Humility and Modesty in Our Lives
For more than two millennia, philosophers, and theologians have written about the nature of humility. Psychological research on humility indicates that it can enhance well-being and the ability to function socially. Worthington et al. observe that “alongside compassion, forgiveness, altruism, gratitude, and empathy, humility belongs to ‘a cluster of virtues that bind society together’” (Schaffner). In this workshop, we will discuss our experiences with humility—and related concepts—and the roles that humility and modesty play in our lives and the lives of our family, friends, and others. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Reflections on Love in Our Lives
Because love comes in many forms, and people experience those forms in diverse ways. Scholars who write about love, have identified at least eight forms: philia (affectionate love), pragma (enduring love), storge (unconditional familial love), eros (romantic love), ludus (playful love), mania (obsessive love), philautia (self-love), agape (selfless love for others). The word “philosophy” literally means “love of knowledge or wisdom,” which explains why one kind of graduate degree is called “doctor of philosophy.” In this workshop, we will discuss some forms of love that each of us has experienced. Then we will write and share our writing. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Psychology Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Psychology |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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The American Psychological Association (“The Road to Resilience,” 2014) defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress” (para. 4). Participants will write about how they or other family members have experienced moments of resilience.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Self and Society: Personal Autonomy vs. Social Responsibility in The Iliad of Homer
This course will combine a close reading of The Iliad in translation, with an analysis of the characters and an exploration of Homer's themes of conflict between personal self-assertion and the need to subordinate the self for the good of one's group. No prior knowledge of The Iliad is required but students should bring their own volumes. The translations by Richmond Lattimore and Emily Wilson are preferred, but not required. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: mlynk@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, Ethics, History, Humanities, Law Speaker:
Myles Lynk
Professor Emeritus Myles V. Lynk was the first Peter Kiewit Foundation Professor of Law and the Legal Profession at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. He specialized in legal ethics, business organizations and civil procedure. At the College of Law and at ASU’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and Barrett, the Honors College, Professor Lynk taught seminars on the tension between social responsibility and personal autonomy in The Iliad of Homer. Professor Lynk came to ASU in 2000 as a Visiting Scholar from Practice. Prior to coming to ASU he was a partner in the Washington, DC, office of a large national law firm, served on the White House Domestic Policy Staff in the Carter Administration and was a law clerk to Judge Damon J. Keith of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Course |
Arts, Cultural, Ethics, History, Humanities, Law |
Myles Lynk
Professor Emeritus Myles V. Lynk was the first Peter Kiewit Foundation Professor of Law and the Legal Profession at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. He specialized in legal ethics, business organizations and civil procedure. At the College of Law and at ASU’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and Barrett, the Honors College, Professor Lynk taught seminars on the tension between social responsibility and personal autonomy in The Iliad of Homer. Professor Lynk came to ASU in 2000 as a Visiting Scholar from Practice. Prior to coming to ASU he was a partner in the Washington, DC, office of a large national law firm, served on the White House Domestic Policy Staff in the Carter Administration and was a law clerk to Judge Damon J. Keith of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
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Self-disclosure, Meeting New People, and Building Relationships
When we first meet a new person, we begin to determine right away whether we think we might want to enter into a relationship (friendship, romantic, and even at interviews for jobs, banking relationships, and others) with that person. But how do we do that? This discussion applies an “onion” metaphor to illustrate “self-disclosure” and how we determine whether to enter into that relationship or to move on without that relationship.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Larry.Edmonds@asu.edu or DoctorEdmonds@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Social studies Speaker:
Edmonds, Larry
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Social studies |
Larry Edmonds
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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Semana Santa Procesiones en Colombia
A look at Catholic symbolism, anthropology, and allegory in the Holy Week processions of Popayán, Colombia, including the history of such events in medieval and renaissance Spain. By exploring the use of statues, flowers, colors, and music with their symbolic (and allegoric) meanings, I document a religious expression that dominates within an otherwise Patriarchal and Commercial festival.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480 203-3110| r.haefer@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Sensory Perception from a Brain Point of View
This highly interactive session describes where and how the five senses are processed in the brain and how our senses are the basis for all our emotions and memories.
- Sensory processing
- Senses and memory
- Sensory integration and creating our world view
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Silver Images on Glass Plates--Early Photography in Arizona, 1850-1920
Photographs have helped shape both historical and contemporary public perception of Arizona and the West. This program presents a chronological history of the development of photography in Territorial Arizona and the social and market factors that influenced the subjects and images. Examples of various photographic formats used and of historical images of daily life, public events, personalities, mining, Native Americans, and the built environment are included. The images selected to accompany the presentation are high quality copies of original vintage photographs that depict activities in many little-known regions of the state, as well as of the development of the camps, forts, and towns throughout the Territory. Appropriate background information about the photographic processes and techniques for making, reproducing, and marketing the photographs is included, as is the reflection of the changing societal perception of the West as depicted in photographic style and captions. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Email: Jeremy.rowe@asu.edu
Phone: 480-299-9543
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom) Subject: Arts, Communications, Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Rowe, Jeremy
Dr. Jeremy Rowe has collected, researched, and written about 19th- and early 20th-century photographs for thirty years. He has taught video and photography in the College of Education at ASU, and worked with the Library doing faculty development and distance education. He wrote Arizona Photographers 1850 - 1920: A History and Directory, Arizona Real Photo Postcards: A History and Portfolio, and Arizona Stereographs 1865 – 1930, and numerous chapters and articles on photographic history. He curated exhibitions and serves on boards, including the Daguerreian Society, The Ephemera Society of America, Daniel Nagrin Theatre Film & Dance Foundation Inc. as Chairman, and currently the National Stereoscopic Association. He was a Fulbright Specialist at the National Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and currently works with the Library of Congress on projects related to the Nagrin collection and National Stereoscopic Research Collection and Fellowships. Jeremy is a member of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University, and is currently a Senior Research Scientist at New York University.
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Online (Zoom) |
Lecture |
Arts, Communications, Cultural, History, Social studies |
Jeremy Rowe
Dr. Jeremy Rowe has collected, researched, and written about 19th- and early 20th-century photographs for thirty years. He has taught video and photography in the College of Education at ASU, and worked with the Library doing faculty development and distance education. He wrote Arizona Photographers 1850 - 1920: A History and Directory, Arizona Real Photo Postcards: A History and Portfolio, and Arizona Stereographs 1865 – 1930, and numerous chapters and articles on photographic history. He curated exhibitions and serves on boards, including the Daguerreian Society, The Ephemera Society of America, Daniel Nagrin Theatre Film & Dance Foundation Inc. as Chairman, and currently the National Stereoscopic Association. He was a Fulbright Specialist at the National Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and currently works with the Library of Congress on projects related to the Nagrin collection and National Stereoscopic Research Collection and Fellowships. Jeremy is a member of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University, and is currently a Senior Research Scientist at New York University.
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Skills Learned from Family and Friends
Although we have acquired some of our skills in school and in the workplace, we have also learned some of them from family and friends. For example, our parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents, and siblings may have helped us develop skills in cooking, sewing, gardening, home maintenance, driving, and many more. Family and friends may also have taught us—either directly or through example--how to interact with others. In this workshop, we will write about some of these skills and how they have served us throughout our lives.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Small Wins: Using Incremental Progress to Achieve Larger Goals
We often look to make large advances in life, yet this workshop covers the ways in which “small wins” can lead to great successes over a period of time and why those small wins are successful.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Larry.Edmonds@asu.edu or DoctorEdmonds@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Social studies Speaker:
Edmonds, Larry
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Social studies |
Larry Edmonds
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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Social Brain: Empathy via Mirror Neurons – Plus a Pop of Personality
This session reviews mirror neurons and how it affects our ability to learn, feel empathy and interpret others’ intentions.
- Theory of Mind – understanding others intentions, feelings, and thoughts.
- Theory of Mind in animals
- Theories regarding autism
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science, Wellness |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Special Relativity - Case Closed (4 lecture course or lecture)
The weird, non-intuitive phenomena of Special Relativity easily invite skepticism from those who do not understand it. As a scientific discipline, Special Relativity is held to the same criteria of observable substantiation as all of science. In this course, it will be demonstrated how Special Relativity has fulfilled this requirement to a higher degree than any other scientific law or theory. In the process of doing this, it will display and discuss all those fun unimaginable characteristics of Special Relativity that attract curious attention to it.
Available as an in-person lecture or 4 lecture mini-course
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Spooky Physics: Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Computing (4 lecture course)
Quantum Theory consists of the physical laws and principles that govern crystalline, molecular, atomic and subatomic behavior. Quantum Mechanics is the application of these principles, primarily using mathematical equations and numerical computations. The most profound scientific revolution of the 20th Century, Quantum Theory presents a host of non-intuitive concepts and dictums. This course will introduce and survey contemporary research on some of the most confounding of these, which Albert Einstein derisively called “spooky.”
The course will be taught at the level of a college general studies course for intellectually well-prepared lay persons. No mathematical developments will be presented in class, although students should be comfortable with simple logic, formulas and graphs. There will be symbolic notation, hopefully well defined. The historical development of Quantum Theory and its standard applications through Quantum Mechanics will not be covered (cf. the instructor’s course, The First Hundred Years of Quantum Physics), but attention will be focused on the basic principles of Quantum Theory that lead to current research in quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation and quantum computing.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Stephen Sondheim: “Savior” of the American Musical Theatre (3-4 sessions)
In June of 2022, about eight months after Stephen Sondheim’s death, the New York Times’s Ben Brantley “wearily” attended yet another revival of Into the Woods to note that it was as though the audience “had been transformed into trembling pilgrims gathered at a sacred meeting spot—sighing, gasping, sobbing.” Brantley then reflected on the fact that by then audiences everywhere were deifying Sondheim, yet over the course of his seven-decade career, the composer was much misunderstood, and a great many of his shows even failed financially. In an era when Broadway was dominated by musicals such as Hair and Godspell, he suddenly appeared with the ground-breaking “concept” musical Company, and each new undertaking was a radical departure from his previous work, often puzzling audiences accustomed to more traditional fare like Annie and Oliver. This course examines some of Sondheim’s most iconic work, including shows like A Little Night Music, Sweeney Todd, Sunday in the Park with George, and many others, and we'll explore the innovative craftsmanship that he brought to his art. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ssiek@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Humanities, Music Speaker:
Siek, Stephen
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Course |
Arts, Humanities, Music |
Stephen Siek
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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Stories Our Parents and Grandparents Told Us
If we are fortunate, our parents and grandparents told us lots of stories about their lives and the lives of others. Some of those stories may have focused on ordinary daily life (e.g., work, school, cooking and eating) or unexpected surprises (e.g. accidents, severe weather). Some of those stories may have focused on how bigger events in the world affected them—e.g., the Great Depression, World War II. We will share some of those stories in conversation and writing.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Symmetries in Modern Physics (4 lecture course)
From crystals to elementary particle families to space and time transformations, the symmetries of modern physics provide both aesthetic delights and scientific wonder. This course is taught at the university general studies level and has no mathematics or physics prerequisites beyond that ordinarily required for high school graduation. New concepts will be carefully introduced.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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Technology across Generations
Technology changes from one generation to another, and these days it changes rapidly within a single generation. For example, in the United States farmers were still using workhorses into the 1940s, but tractors had pretty much replaced them by the 1950s. In the home and workplace, many forms of technology have changed in our lifetime—e.g., crank phones were still used in the 1950s. In this workshop we will write about technologies that have changed during our lifetime and how those changes have altered our lives in ways that our parents or grandparents could not have imagined.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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The "World of Tomorrow:” A Visit to the 1939 New York World's Fair (2 sessions)
Nearly half a century after the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition—America’s greatest world’s fair—had thrilled millions of visitors, officials from the Roosevelt Administration and private industry joined forces to create what they hoped would provide a similar beacon of hope to Americans whose dreams had been crushed by an ominous Depression. While Chicago’s Fair of 1893 had been a curious mixture of palatial Renaissance architecture housing exhibits devoted to electricity, searchlights, and other high-tech marvels, the New York Fair paid little, if any, homage to the past. By contrast, it was future-oriented in every respect, symbolized by RCA’s pavilion built in the shape of a radio tube, and perhaps most emphatically by Norman Bel Geddes’s “Futurama” housed in the General Motors pavilion—a land of Oz where radio-controlled cars traveled at breakneck speeds through cities which soared to the sky. This course will journey back to a billion-dollar exposition that once promoted science-fiction miracles as just around the corner—but fell far short of bringing about its promised Utopia.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ssiek@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History Speaker:
Siek, Stephen
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Arts, Cultural, History |
Stephen Siek
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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The 1893 Chicago World’s Fair and the Birth of Modern American Culture (2 sessions)
Some 27 million visitors prepared for the twentieth century by visiting the World’s Columbian Exposition, which once occupied nearly 700 acres on Chicago’s south side. Most had never even seen a light bulb, but they were suddenly greeted with more electric lights than were then in use in the entire city of Chicago. The Fair was a mixture of the palatial Renaissance and the ultra-modern, for its Greco-Roman palaces were offset by the Art Deco of Louis Sullivan, and its elegant concert halls— where thousands heard Handel’s Messiah—were augmented by the talents of John Philip Sousa and Scott Joplin. This course will revisit the architecture, the art, and the music of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ssiek@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, Music, Social studies Speaker:
Siek, Stephen
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, Music, Social studies |
Stephen Siek
Stephen Siek is currently Director of the Academy for Continued Learning at the ASU Emeritus College. A Faculty Associate at ASU, he also currently serves on the advisory board for Emeritus Voices. A professor emeritus at Wittenberg University in Ohio, he served for many years as a professor of piano and musicology and has published widely in the field of American music. In addition, he has received recognition as a pianist, and his recording of The Philadelphia Sonatas by American composer Alexander Reinagle (c.1750-1809) has been widely praised. He is the author of a highly acclaimed reference work, A Dictionary for the Modern Pianist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and the second edition of his definitive biography of Britain’s greatest piano teacher, England’s Piano Sage: The Life and Teachings of Tobias Matthay, was published by the H. L. Marston Press in December of 2020. In May of 2019, at a ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made an Honorary Associate of the RAM.
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The 18th Century Enlightenment: An Introduction To Modernity
The 18th Century. Enlightenment was an introduction to the culture of the 19th and 20th Centuries. However, the Enlightenment was not monolithic, but rather composed for four distinct schools of thought. 1) The Enlighten Right was represented by John Locke who advanced the theory of Natural Law and Natural Rights, which became the foundation of 18th Century Political Liberalism which differed from 19th and 20th Century Political Liberalism. 2)The Enlightenment Center, or the “Scottish School” which originated the four-stage theory of historical development: tribal, family, pastorage, urban-commercial. 3) Jean Jacques Rousseau whose theories of government by consent, the social contract and popular sovereignty were the foundations of democratic theory. 4) The Enlightenment Left, or the genesis of 18th Century Communism. Essentially composed of three figures, Abbe Morelly, Gabriel Bonnet de Mably, and “Gracchus” Babeuf, the Enlightenment Left was the womb of 18th Century communist theory. They believed in the inherent associationism of the human species, denounced private property and called for the social ownership of the means of production. Although the Enlightenment Left was the birthplace of 18th Century Communism significant differences separated the Enlightenment Left from 19th and 20th Century Socialism and Communism.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Science, Social studies Speaker:
Levine, Norman
Prof. Norman Levine was awarded his Ph.D. from New York University in 1965. His doctoral thesis was a study of 20th Century German historiography and he received a university Founders Day Award for “outstanding scholarship.” He taught at DePauw University from 1965 until 1970 and then transferred to the University of Maryland Baltimore County where he taught from 1970 to 1990 and served as Chair of the Department of History from 1987 to 1990. He is the recipient of numerous scholarships, including two Senior Fulbright Research Scholarships for study in the Federal Republic of Germany. He published 36 scholarly articles in academic journals and nine books. In terms of domestic academic organizations, he presented papers at the American Historical Association and the American Political Science Association. In terms of overseas invitations, he lectured at the Universities of Frankfurt and Berlin in Germany, Cambridge University, England, The University of Paris, France, University of Toronto, Canada, Beijing University, China and Ho Chi Minh University, Vietnam. He is currently at work on his tenth book.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Science, Social studies |
Norman Levine
Prof. Norman Levine was awarded his Ph.D. from New York University in 1965. His doctoral thesis was a study of 20th Century German historiography and he received a university Founders Day Award for “outstanding scholarship.” He taught at DePauw University from 1965 until 1970 and then transferred to the University of Maryland Baltimore County where he taught from 1970 to 1990 and served as Chair of the Department of History from 1987 to 1990. He is the recipient of numerous scholarships, including two Senior Fulbright Research Scholarships for study in the Federal Republic of Germany. He published 36 scholarly articles in academic journals and nine books. In terms of domestic academic organizations, he presented papers at the American Historical Association and the American Political Science Association. In terms of overseas invitations, he lectured at the Universities of Frankfurt and Berlin in Germany, Cambridge University, England, The University of Paris, France, University of Toronto, Canada, Beijing University, China and Ho Chi Minh University, Vietnam. He is currently at work on his tenth book.
The Aesthetics of Russian Nobel Prize Winners of Literature
Have you ever wondered why six authors writing in Russian have earned the Nobel Prize in Literature? This program offers several answers while discussing the narrative style, language usage and ideas of works written by these authors. Works discussed are Mikhail’s Sholokhov’s Quiet Don, Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, and Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn’s First Circle and Cancer Ward. The course also looks at the stories of Ivan Bunin and the poetry of Joseph Brodsky. Svetlana Alexievich’s, the Belarus author, who earned the Nobel Prize in 2015, wrote in Russian. The course also considers her works including The Unwomanly Face of War
Available as an online or in-person course of four session of two hours each. Adjustments for shorter times can be arranged on request. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: History, International, Social studies Speaker:
Tichy, Charles
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Course |
History, International, Social studies |
Charles Tichy
Charles earned a BA and MA in German Language and Culture from Arizona State University. He holds a second MA from The Ohio State University in Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He served 25 years as chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He has published and lectured nationally and internationally on globalization interpretation, international teleconferencing, the Crimean Peninsula and interactive television methodology. Charles also conducted numerous study programs in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries.
He is a world traveler and lecturer having traveled extensively throughout Europe and all countries from the previous Soviet Union. He has visited 40 countries including the Middle East, Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Latin American. Professor Tichy still researches globalization. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where has taught the course “Crimean Crisis: Literature, Identity and Fate” in the Barrett Honors College. He also serves on the ASU Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean’s Council and the Advisory Board of the ASU Melikian Center. His interests include reading world literature, studying world cultures, collecting wood carvings, listening to classical music and enjoying international cuisine.
The Big Bang and All that: The Birth of a Universe (4 lecture course or lecture)
This course is designed for adults who, while not necessarily trained in the sciences, have sincere curiosity about the origin of the universe in which we live and how, according to current scientific understanding, it happened. The current well-established standard model of the birth of the universe, referred to popularly as the Big Bang, will be discussed with particular emphasis placed on the evidence sustaining it. The course is taught at the university general studies level and has no mathematics or physics prerequisites beyond that ordinarily required for high school graduation. New concepts will be carefully introduced.
Available as an in-person lecture or four lecture mini-course
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture, Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Science Speaker:
Jacob, Richard J.
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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In-person |
Lecture, Course |
Science |
Richard J. Jacob
Richard (Dick) Jacob was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and received his BS and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Utah. He joined the faculty at Arizona State in 1963 and retired as Professor Emeritus in 2001. During his tenure, he served a five-year term as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He was also Director of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Honors Program, 1976 – 1978, and served a term as president of the independent Faculty Association. He was also the first president of the University Club Board of Directors. In 2004, he became Founding Dean of the Emeritus College at ASU.
Jacob taught physics at all levels and in most areas, emphasizing quantum physics, relativity, electrodynamics and mathematical physics. His research is in theoretical elementary particle physics. His avocational interests are music – he plays saxophone and clarinet – reading history and historical fiction, baseball and writing.
He and his wife, Jackie nee Snell, have four children, all of whom have ASU degrees, fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jackie is a retired elementary school teacher. They continue to reside in Tempe, appreciating the close proximity to Sky Harbor and, therefore, their family members.
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The Bishop's Banquet: Food in Late Medieval/Early Renaissance Spain
The Archbishop’s palace in Santiago de Compostela, Spain has a marvelous banquet room with the portals hosting carvings of people and scenes related to “eating.” Together with illustrations from the marvelously illuminated manuscripts of the 13th century Las Cantigas de Santa Maria it is possible to present a conception of late medieval Spanish foods, commercial sharing of food products, music instruments involved with banquets, and, of course, the Bishop and his entourage.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480 203-3110| r.haefer@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Cultural, History, Music Speaker:
Haefer, J. Richard
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Arts, Cultural, History, Music |
J. Richard Haefer
Dr. J. Richard Haefer is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he taught for thirty-six years. He has studied North American Indian music and Gregorian Chant for more than fifty years; Mexican music (Indigenous, música regionales, and art music), mariachi (in Mexico and the U.S.), and colonial art music for forty years. He was the founder of the ASU Mariachi Program and directed for it twenty-five years. He has been a professional mariachi for more than thirty years recording two CDs with his group Mariachi Corazón de Phoenix. He prefers performing in the style of Plaza Garibaldi, Cuidad México.
He has articles and reviews in Speculum, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of American Music 1st and 2nd eds., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed (area editor)., Ethnomusicology, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Garland Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology, CIMCIM Publication Series, Revista Memoria de Archivo Nacional de la Nación (Colombia), Emeritus Voices, Liberal and Fine Arts Review, and the Newsletter and Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, with books and book chapters published by The Smithsonian Institution Press, University of New Mexico Press, Waveland Press, Navajo Community College Press, and CIMCIM International.
He has two online databases in preparation: Hispanoamericano Colonial Music Discography, and Villancicos in Colonial Nueva Mundo
The Brain: Pain and Altered States
This session presents information regarding how ancient and modern humans (and other animals and birds) use organic substances to treat pain and illness.
- Understanding the pleasure centers in the brain.
- Understanding the biology of addiction and newest treatments.
- Other creatures and altered states.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
The Butterfly Effect in Our Lives
The butterfly effect is the concept that small things can have a chain of unexpected consequences. In this workshop, we will discuss how some seemingly small things have affected our lives and the lives of family and friends in ways that we would never have expected. We will each write about one of those experiences. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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The Controversy about the Teaching of Intelligent Design/Creationism in the Science Classroom
The question as to whether Intelligent Design and/or Creationism should be taught along with Evolution in the Biology classroom has been and remains quite controversial. In order to appreciate the issues involved, I will discuss both the legal and scientific aspects of the controversy. In particular, there have been two court decisions relevant to the issue. One of these was decided by the Supreme Court in 1987, the other was decided in 2005 in Dover, Pa. I will discuss both of these in some detail. In addition, I will discuss some of the science issues involved and where the controversy stands today. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ajs50@cornell.edu
Emeritus College Office
Phone: (480) 965-0002
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics, History, Politics, Social studies Speaker:
Sadoff, Ahren
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Ethics, History, Politics, Social studies |
Ahren Sadoff
Ahren Sadoff received his BS in physics from MIT and his PhD in elementary particle physics from Cornell University. He has presented numerous invited talks associated with experiments at Cornell in such places as Rome, Naples and Capri in Italy. He has also lectured in Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, England and France as well as in the United States.
Throughout his career, he has been very concerned about the public's understanding of science and the poor state of science literacy in the US. He has been involved in many education and outreach projects. For many years he has taught a conceptual physics course aimed at non-science students. He has written a textbook for the course entitled "Questioning the Universe".
In addition to his love of science, he has had a continuing interest in the Law, especially as it pertains to the US Constitution. He finds, that in many ways, legal and scientific reasoning are similar. It is this combined interest in both of these topics that has led him to formulate his talk on Evolution and Intelligent design.
The Conversation That I Wish I Could Have
There are moments in our lives when we wish that we could have a conversation with an ancestor who is no longer alive. In this workshop, we will write questions that we would like to have with an ancestor. Some of us may even take the next step and invent a dialog with that person. For example, it could be a conversation with an ancestor who immigrated to the United States in the 1800s.
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-242-9388 | duane.roen@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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Online (Zoom), In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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The Economics of Almost Everything
Basic economic principles are highly intuitive, and they are illustrated repeatedly by the decisions and actions of individuals, firms, governments, and non-profit organizations. This course explains the basic intuition of the economic motivations and discusses many examples of economics in action in everyday life. Supply and demand are especially important in understanding these issues, including inflation.
Available as an in-person two or three session course.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: pburgess123@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Course Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Economics, Politics, Social studies Speaker:
Burgess, Paul
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
In-person |
Course |
Cultural, Economics, Politics, Social studies |
Paul Burgess
Paul Burgess came to ASU in 1969. During his ASU career, he served as Chair of the Department of Economics and chair of the University Chair Group. He received the Excellence in Research Award from the National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers’ Compensation. Paul currently is continuing his research on economics and religion (his first book in this area is titled Salvation for Sale: The Early Catholic Church’s Toll Road to Salvation.)
The Envelope, Please: An Awards Ceremony for Family and Friends
The first Academy Awards ceremony occurred in 1929, the Emmys in 1949 and the Grammys in 1959. And many more annual awards have been added since then. But it’s time for one more: The Family and Friends Awards for our family members and circle of friends. Of course, there are many possible categories, and each category can—if you wish—have two divisions: one for family members and one for friends. And feel free to add a division for co-workers if that seems warranted. Fleshing out your reasoning for selecting each honoree is likely to bring up memories and stories that will bring rich and colorful details into your family history writing. Once you have compiled the list of winners, you can decide whether to keep it to yourself or share it with each winner privately. If you are especially bold and courageous, you might even share it on social media. Use your wisdom to make that decision. Delivery method: In-person Contact information: duane.roen@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
480-965-0002 emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Workshop Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, Ethics Speaker:
Roen, Duane
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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In-person |
Workshop |
Cultural, Ethics |
Duane Roen
Duane Roen completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and his PhD at the University of Minnesota. At ASU, he has served in a variety of administrative roles, including Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Dean of University College, Vice Provost of the Polytechnic campus, and Coordinator for the Project for Writing and Recording Family History.
Duane has been tracing his roots since his teenage years, building a database with more than 32,000 ancestors. He and his wife, Maureen Roen, have also been recording their family history since 1978 by writing more than 19,000 daily journal entries on their children, grandchildren and other family members.
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The Ever-Evolving Brain: Infant, Teen, Adult, Seniors
This engaging session discusses how the brain begins to develop in utero and continues evolve throughout the human lifetime.
- Brain architecture & neurons and neural networks
- Brain development across the life span with a special emphasis on senior skills
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research
Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Contact information: 480-734-7041 | bjenz@asu.edu or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Cultural, Health, Science Speaker:
Enz, Billie
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
Online (Zoom), In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, Health, Science |
Billie Enz
Billie is an emeritus professor at Arizona State University where she served as an administrator in the College of Education for over 25 years. Dr. Enz was a member of the Early Childhood teaching and research faculty. Dr. Enz is an expert in the areas of family literacy, emergent literacy, and language acquisition, co-authoring three textbooks in this area. Since retiring Dr. Enz has taught brain health courses for senior citizens who believe in the importance of continuous learning and, on the other end of the developmental continuum she teaches early language and literacy class to newborns and their first-time moms for First Things First.
The Fun and Importance or Becoming a Chautauquan/Living History Presenter
How can we bring history alive for children and adults alike? Living history presentations bring historical characters alive and can be educational, engaging, and entertaining. For over a decade, Dr. Larry Edmonds has provided Chautauqua presentations of Senator Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ), AZ Governor George W. P. Hunt, and Senator Barry Goldwater. This presentation provides step-by-step insights into how to create a character portrayal, from scripting a presentation to costuming tips. Many of Edmonds’ presentations were provided by mini-grants through the Arizona Humanities Council. “Marketing” your Chautauqua character is also discussed in the presentation/discussion.
Delivery method: In-person Contact information: Larry.Edmonds@asu.edu or DoctorEdmonds@gmail.com or Emeritus College Office at 480-965-0002 | emerituscollege@asu.edu
Type of session: Lecture Delivery method: In-person Subject: Cultural, History, Social studies Speaker:
Edmonds, Larry
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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In-person |
Lecture |
Cultural, History, Social studies |
Larry Edmonds
Dr. Larry Edmonds has taught and been a practitioner of Leadership, Gender Fluidity, Human Communication (Intercultural/Cross-cultural), Conflict and Negotiation, as well as Training and Development at ASU. He has been honored with two Outstanding Faculty/Teaching Awards and is a Robert B. Rutherford, Jr. Memorial Fellow for his work directly with learners with behavioral/learning issues and a Dessie E. Larsen Fellow for Communication/ Chautauqua/Living History Performances as the late Carl T. Hayden (D-AZ) and other historic Arizona figures. Edmonds served as Director, Education Leadership Innovation for the Global Listening Centre (2016-2019) and currently serves on the Advisory Board, Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission, and is the Vice President/President-elect of the ASU Retirees Association.
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The Golden Age of Broadway (3-4 sessions)
From the beginning of the Republic, musical theater formed an integral part of American culture, and after the Civil War, New York City became its epicenter. By 1900, the sheet music industry centered in “Tin Pan Alley” had become a multi-million-dollar pursuit, and by the 1920s over 200 shows were running simultaneously on Broadway. The most popular musicals were lavish variety shows termed “revues,” and men like Florenz Ziegfeld made a fortune staging annual spectacles peppered with songs by composers such as Gershwin and Irving Berlin. But in 1927, Ziegfeld produced Showboat, a landmark in Broadway history, for it brought immense popularity to the “book” musical—a continuous story that dealt with a serious subject—thus heralding the beginning of Broadway’s “Golden Age.” This course examines some of the most popular “book” musicals throughout the four-decade Golden Age that changed the face of the American theater—including Pal Joey, Oklahoma!, West Side Story, and many others. Delivery method: Online (Zoom) or In-person Email: ssiek@asu.edu
Emeritus College Office
Email: emerituscollege@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-0002 Type of session: Course Delivery method: Online (Zoom), In-person Subject: Arts, Humanities, Music Speaker:
Siek, Stephen