Submission Guidelines for Emeritus Voices
Emeritus Voices is the literary and scholarly Journal of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. It is intended for the expression, edification, and enjoyment of members of the Emeritus College and others interested in the content. The Journal provides a vehicle for interdisciplinary interaction and education. Submissions are invited for fiction, non–fiction, memoir, essay, poetry, commentary, analysis, research, review, photography, graphic arts, etc., exploring all facets of creativity, scholarship and life experience. It is, indeed, the embodiment of Emeritus Voices.
Rights and Policies
Emeritus Voices is published twice a year by the Emeritus Press and is copyrighted by Arizona State University. Authors and readers of Emeritus Voices are free to copy, display, and/or distribute any of the material published in the Journal, so long as its origin in Emeritus Voices and the original author or artist are acknowledged and the material is not used commercially.
Manuscripts and images for publication may be submitted free of publication charges by members of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University. The editor may invite submissions.
The Journal prefers not to reprint work from published sources, and prefers rights owned by the author. Authors who wish to retain their copyright should put the copyright mark “©” on their manuscript along with the copyright owner and date. In this case, authors will be given a contract that acknowledges the open text policy of the first paragraph and affirms that publication in Emeritus Voices will leave undisturbed the right of the Journal, and its authors and readers, to freely reproduce and distribute the published work.
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material included in the work (i.e., quotations, pictures, media, etc.). Considerations of fair use are the editor’s prerogative. Upon acceptance of a submitted manuscript, the editor will send the author a letter restating these rights. The letter must be returned, signed by the author.
Manuscripts and images will be reviewed for suitability by the editor, members of the Advisory Board, and designers. Submissions accepted for publication may be edited. Broad revisions may be requested. Once a manuscript or article is accepted, authors may be contacted for a manuscript abstract, and biographic and photographic information. Final approval is determined by the editor. Questions of style and usage will be resolved by reference to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition.
Issues of Emeritus Voices will be published on-line six months after their release date as print volumes.
Submission Guidelines, Editorial Policy, Style
Submissions can be sent as digital attachments by e–mail in Microsoft WordTM or JPEG files to The subject line should read "Emeritus Voices". Hard copy submissions are discouraged, but will be considered. In any event, it is the author's responsibility to provide finally the necessary digital files. Assistance is offered by the Emeritus Press, but staff limitations do not permit wholesale data entry by hand.
Manuscripts submitted for the summer issue should be received by the editor no later than April 15; for the winter issue, by October 15. Text should be double–spaced, 12–point Times New Roman font. Do not double–space between sentences. Paragraphs should be indented. References, citations, or notes should be worked into the essay, if feasible, or put at the end of the piece. Book, journal, magazine, and newspaper titles should be italicized, while article titles should appear in quotation marks. Authors will be given a week to review proofs for grammatical modifications and punctuation.
Poetry manuscripts should carry clear indication of line placement. If it is impractical to mark up the electronic copy, submit a paper backup copy, formatted according to the author’s wishes. Every effort will be made to comply with the author's desired layout.
Photographs or other graphics accompanying manuscripts are strongly encouraged. Graphical material must be submitted electronically as separate attachments in JPEG format. Images meant to be inserted should be denoted, for example, as "Figure 1," in the manuscript, along with captions. If no captions are included, the editor will feel free to compose them. If the author wishes to format visual material within the text, this is acceptable, but separate files should be submitted nonetheless. Visual material should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and be more than 500 pixels in dimension for electronic and print publication. Photographs may be enhanced for best appearance in the Journal. Authors may contact the editor if they are in need of assistance in preparing their files.
Emeritus Voices prefers not to publish polemic material or articles seeking support for a particular ideology or cause. Travelogues without substantive commentary are also discouraged. Questions concerning Journal policy and practices should be directed to the editor using the e–mail address
Revised October, 2021